DWTS Double Dances

Tonight it is two dances, one that is rehearsed and one where they are given the music the night of the show.  Each couple has 20 minutes to practice their routine with their music for their Jive.

Rob and Cheryl 1-800-868-3402
Rob and Cheryl's first dance is the Quick Step. In rehearsal, Cheryl tells him that she is the picture and he is the frame and that he must hold them up.  I thought this was a great analogy.  Their dance was very well done.

Len said that he when started (the season) he thought this wasn't going to work. He said the opening section was terrible--booing ensued--but that once he got in holds the whole thing changed and that it was his best dance so far.
Bruno compared him to a speedy drag racer, and said that it was an   incredible improvement.
Carrie Ann said he was the ideal contestant, because first he was not that great and then he grew and grew to  smooth and polished.

Carrie Ann:  9
Len: 9
Total: 27

Hope and Maks 1-800-868-3408

Hope and Maks have the  Quick Step also.  And it's good.  She does an excellent job.
Bruno called it the night of miracles. He said she rebooted and re-energized.  He said she never moved so well. "Best dance yet!"
Carrie Ann said she just wanted to give her a hug. She commended  Maks for doing a great job, and noted the amount of joy and love in the dance.
Len said it had the perfect blend of speed and control and that it was their best dance.

Carrie Ann:  9
Len: 9
Bruno: 9
Total: 27

 Rikki and Derek 1-800-868-3411

This week, Rikki got to talk to Jennifer Grey.  She went to the former mirror ball champ for advise and a pep talk.  She and Derek are dancing the Waltz and it is lovely. 

Carrie Ann said there was a little stumble at the end. (There was? I missed that) But she said the movement is exquisite. 
Len said it should be Rikki "Lake" but more like a river: gently going through the dance.  He nitpicked on the footwork.  When are so good, you get nitpicked. 
Bruno said it was deliciously dreamy and absolutely beautiful.

Carrie Ann:  9
Len:  9
Bruno: 10
Total: 28

 Nancy and Tristan 1-800-868-3405

Nancy and Tristan are dancing the Tango this week, and this is one of her better dances.  Oh my, I am just now noticing this picture...it looks as if her hand is right on his....welll you decide.
Len said that week two she did her best dance and since then she's been on a plateau and today "whoop up you've gone!"
Bruno said he was so shocked by the brazen  jezzabelle! And that she had the right attitude!
Carrie Ann said she loved her spirit and how she she never stops. She said it was a great job overall.

Carrie Ann:  8
Len: 8
Bruno: 8
Total: 24

 JR and Karina 1-800-868-3410

JR and Karina dance a Waltz and while Rikki and Derek may have danced a "dreamy" waltz these too blew them right out of the water.

Bruno called it a musical Valentine card.  He said that JR made beautiful music with Karina and called it divine.
Carrie Ann said he had incredible natural grace and that something magic happened in the dance.
When it was Len's turn, Tom warned him not to be a buzz kill.  He wasn't.  He said, like a soldier he came back this week with all guns blazing.

Carrie Ann:  10
Len: 10
Bruno: 10
Total: 30 First perfect score of season 13.

Rob and Cheryl Instant Jive

I can not get over the change in this rich boy.  When he started this show he was arrogant, obnoxious, and could not dance to save his life.  I thought: Poof be gone!  Well look at him now.  He's dancing, he's matured and he just might go to the finals.

Len said there were no glaring mistakes and that he did great, but that he needed to  sharpen up those feet.  (And the booing ensues.)
Bruno said they had great pace, but that he agreed with  Len.  It is all about kicks and flicks.
Carrie Ann was yammering on about his booty shaking he did at the beginning of the dance on the judges table.  Someone has to hose her down quick.  She liked the dance overall but also agreed Len and Bruno.

Carrie Ann:  8
Len: 8
Bruno: 8
Total: 24/51

Hope and Maks Instant Jive

She is finally relaxing and having fun.  And it shows in her dancing.  She has improved.  And maybe Maks has lightened up a little.  (Or maybe somebody had a talk with him after last weeks rehearsal.)  Whatever the difference is, she is much improved.

Bruno said she was fast and furious and a wild child. He advised her   stretch the back of her knees on her kicks.  She's got a lot leg...I ought to know....I am built just like her.
Carrie Ann said it was a definite  improvement from the last time she did the jive, but that there was someething strange about her hands.
Len said it was fantastic and bloody brilliant!

Carrie Ann:8
Len: 9
Bruno: 8
Total: 25/52

Rikki and Derek Instant Jive

Her first jive was more impressive than this one, but it's still good.  And in the move pictured above, despite her claims to "grinding her feet to the floor" they did come up twice.  Even though they came up twice, the Lift Nazi aka Carrie Ann, did not pick up on it.  
Carrie Ann said she was on it!  She said the flicks were nice but there were points where she lost it.
Len said it is hard with two dances waltz and jive that are so different. And he agrees with Carrie Ann.
Bruno says that the choreography was very demanding as usual and that she didn't do as well as she could have, but good job overall.

Carrie Ann: 8
Len: 8
Bruno: 8
Total: 24/52
 Nancy and Tristan Instant Jive

I am not sure what kind of following Nancy has.  It has to be a fairly strong one to have kept her this long.  I also think her partner, newbie, Tristan has a following too.  The thing is he won't be gone.  He gets to stay and continue dancing.  Her jive is not week eight quality.  I will leave it at that. And no, I could not do better.

Len said she was like Cinderella.  She has lasted 8 weeks, but now it is  midnight and it is time to go home.  Ouch!  That one hurt!
Bruno told her it was too laid back and loose for a jive.
Carrie Ann said she got lost, but pointed out she trusted in Tristan to get her back in the dance.

Carrie Ann:  7
Len: 6 (Gees Len...why so mean?)
Bruno: 7
Total: 20/44

JR and Karina Instant Jive

The first time they danced the jive, they blew me away.  But grouchy Len said it was too much Lindy Hop.  Whatever.  So Karina put some serious Jive into this and they busted their butts.  And it showed.  For an instant dance, you would never know.

Bruno said he went off like a rocket and added, "You got it man!"
Carrie Ann simply told him he was in a class all his own and that nobody was coming close to them tonight.
Len said he had the X factor, the feel good factor, and that it was a fantastic jive.

Carrie Ann: 10
Len: 10
Bruno: 10
Total: 30/60

Going Home:  Nancy and Tristan
Next week:  The Semi Finals.  What?  Already???


Emmy said…
Two perfect scores for JR! How awesome- I hope e ins even though I haven't watched yet :)
Christina Lee said…
I hope JR goes all the way!!!!!
Sounds like JR deserves to win, though I like it when an underdog pulls ahead too. I'm glad the right people went home.
Liz Mays said…
I've been enjoying it a lot this year, and I'm glad Nancy went home. It was time!

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