Because Little Girls Need Them

Have you seen or heard of this commercial?  Can you tell who it targets?  Shape up shoes as most of us know, are shoes designed to tone your legs and butt while you walk.  You are not supposed to just wear these shoes and start walking all over the place.  You have to break them in.  Slowly.  Did you know that part?  I didn't.  I also didn't know about their latest line for girls.  Girls ages 7 to 12.  Now as a shoe, and nothing but a shoe, I get it.  It's  a way to reach a bigger demographic.  Fine, whatever.  

I do have a couple of problems with this line of shoes.  Let's step away from the obvious of little girls "needing" a shoe that will firm and tone their butts and legs for a moment.  What about the physical impact?  Our bodies are grown and mature.  Their bodies have a lot of changing yet to do.  What will these shoes do to them?  And back to the bigger problem, the marketing.  Our lovely daughters do not need to further their image issues with a cartoon of cutesy dollie type girls telling them how great these things are.  How are we supposed to empower our daughters with messages like these?

Luckily, my oldest daughter sneered at the ad.  My Little Middle on the other hand, was more perplexed by my disdain at the ad.  She found it fun and saw nothing wrong with the overall picture.  And is it just me, or did anyone else find the boys dressed in food following them around disturbing? Or at the very least, odd.  

Should Skechers pull the plug on this?  Should it just simply be a change in advertising?  Or am I just overreacting? 



Emmy said…
The boys dressed up as food just seems very random and stupid. And yes does not seem like a good idea for growing bodies.
Macey said…
Oh geez!!! I never saw that! That's RIDICULOUS!!!
Unknown said…
That is kinda skechey. Get it? Seriously, I do agree the boys dressed up in food is in poor taste. I doesn't take a moron to figure out who they are really targeting. And it kinda sucks. Have you ever seen a skinny person wearing Shape-Ups?
Amber said…
It's disgusting how little girls are being basically trained to hate their bodies.

Little girls don't need Shape-Ups they need Mary Janes and braided pig tails. Let kids be kids!
Christina Lee said…
Uh....yeah, I am with you. It got my blood boiling!
mormonhermitmom said…
You just confirmed my decision to keep my kids to DVDs and not broadcast television.
Rachel Sue said…
Seriously? Okay, so I can see them putting them out there but advertising for them like that is ridiculous.
Amy said…
Oh how sad. Little girls need to just be little girls. People need to stop rushing them into growing up. Good heavens!
Liz Mays said…
Our kids are pushed way too fast to grow up. I hate it!
Linda Medrano said…
Little girls are plenty toned as is. Give me a break!

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