
Jenny Matlock

It is Thursday and I am playing along with Jenny Matlock and her Alphabae-Thursday meme.  It's lots of fun, and she reads all the posts.  This week's letter is V. And I thought of the word "very."  How often do we use that word?  Has it lost its meaning?  Allow me to demonstrate.  

Yesterday was a very busy day for me.  I had a chaotic morning, but my morning did not suck. I got a hair cut.  My hairdresser found a white hair.  It was curly.  How weird is that?  It is very weird.  I had an appointment with the school in the afternoon.  An IEP meeting.  We are changing some services for Emily and we are very hopeful she will benefit from these changes.  

But I do not want to bore you with the very tedious details of my day.  Instead, I would like to share some pictures that I am very proud of!

We went to Tom's Farm on Saturday.  The kids rode rides, we shot things at the "shooting" range and saw a magic show.

He was very excited to drive this tractor.  Yes he really drove it.  Of course they go very slow.  He got the hang of it right away.
We even asked him if he wanted to drive us home.  He's a very smart boy.  He said no, because he didn't have a license.
We did some very serious shooting
See what I mean serious.
Emily did a very good job
Kristin seemed very comfortable.  Very.  
 Ryan got some very helpful expert coaching
And soon he was on his own.  

All in all it was a whole lot of fun.  We were pooped.  Very.  So is the word very overused?


mle said…
Looks like fun was had by all!
I laughed when you said
"Kristin seemed very comfortable. Very." : )
Macey said…
That looks so fun!!
Fun times! My son is a big tractor fan.
Donnie said…
That looks like such a fun place to go.
Emmy said…
You did a very good job :)

Love Ryan's face in that last picture. Looks like you all had fun
mormonhermitmom said…
Very overused, I agree.
Everyone looks like they're having a very fun time! You pose a very interesting and very important question here. I do not know if I can come up with a very good answer!
Shell said…

I like to thrown in an especially or extremely every once in a while, to mix it up.
Susan Anderson said…
Enjoyed your V post VERY much.


PS. As a writer, the first thing they always tell you is not to use the word "very," but I find that very hard.

PPS. I'm pretty late posting today, so here's my link:

Anonymous said…
A great day deserves a lot of verys.
Anonymous said…
Looks like a very fun time!
One of the first things I do when I start to edit something I've written is take out the "verys". I usually have about 10 per page!

Very cool....I mean "cool"...
Jo said…
one of my most over used words ... Looks like you all had a great time!
Judie said…
Those pictures are just precious!!!
So you found a curly white hair? Well, so did I but it was on my CHIN! AAAGGGGGG!!!!
Joy@TPMG said…
It looks like everyone had a very good time!
Liz Mays said…
You did such a great job! But what is up with that white curly hair? What happens to us as we age? I find odd things too!
Amy said…
Overused? Very! :)
Keith saw the picture of your son on the tractor and asked if he could have a tractor, and those shoes, and that shirt, and those pants, and that hat. I had to laugh.
Nicole said…
haha... good question :)
Jenny said…
These are very, very fun pictures!

Thanks for letting us all tag along with your lovely family. The tractor picture made me smile.

And you're right. V is a tough letter for sure!

Thanks for linking. I always have to come to my husbands computer to visit your blog for some reason. It's frustrating because I'd like to visit your more and he is a bit of a workaholic!

very daring and fun games.

love the little tractor.

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