I Hear the Wings Are Great!

Have you ever visited People of Walmart?  Kind of makes you feel good about yourself doesn't it?  I actually saw a person of Walmart the last time I was there.  It would have made a great entry.  It was a dude wearing old faded blue jeans with red, white and blue star patches all over them.  Maybe he was in a show?  Still would have made a great entry.  Sometimes, parents get their kids in the act.  They dress their kids a certain way because they think it is funny and cute.  I think certain items of clothing should not be made for the under 18 set. 


Who exactly do you have a problem with?  The parents for purchasing a Hooters shirt for their child?  Call me prudish, but I don't want my son running around with a HOOTERS shirt on...ever.  What message does this send?  Do you blame Hooters for selling the item?  I choose both.  I don't think it's funny or cute to see a little boy in a Hooters shirt.



Emmy said…
I blame the parents. There will always be businesses and things out there that make things we don't like so the solution is simple- especially with a kid that young- don't buy it.
Liz Mays said…
That would definitely not be something I'd let my child wear, but there's always someone who would. Obviously. *sigh*
Anonymous said…
Def. poor judgement on parents' part. I'm not perfect but my boys won't be wearing those shirts till they're old enough to buy them.
Macey said…
I blame the parents. That's just wrong.
Nicole said…
Totally unfortunately blame the parents on that one, the little boy probably doesn't even know what a hooters is! (well hopefully, unless the parents who bought him the shirt also brought him to a hooters!)
Anonymous said…
I too saw someone at Walmart this weekend that qualified for that site! I tried pretty darn hard to get a picture too but it just wasn't happening.

It's kind of ridiculous that they even sell child sized Hooters shirts, what's up with that?
Nicole said…
unfortunately the pruds are breeding and you'll see a lot more of that :(
Kellie said…
I think it's kind of funny. But then, I'm kind of sick.
Amy said…
I love owls!

But Hooters is just wrong.

Then again, I am of the mindset where I think it is wrong to pay a company to advertise for them. Unless it is nostalgic, of course. :)
Cheeseboy said…
Crud. So you're telling me that Hooters tee shirts are WRONG for kids? Great, now I'll have to go back to having them wear that strip joint's stuff again.

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