Get Your Vlog On...

Remember earlier this week when I mentioned I would be participating in VLOG link up?  No?  Well let me refresh your memory.  Earlier this week, I mentioned I would be doing a VLOG link up with Mamarazzi and Seriously Shawn.  Why is it when we do this we feel all awkward and weird?  Oh, that's just me?  Okay.  So what are you waiting for?  Click that play button


How about you?  Will you get your VLOG on?


Emmy said…
Aw thanks for the shout out :)

Fun vlog! Okay and I feel silly, totally did not know about the snow globe thing.
Macey said…
HAAAA! That's cute! Love how your daughter modeled the Steamboat Mickey for us. :) Cute!
And, also I can turn my tongue upside down, but only one way!!! I just figured that out thanks to you! I knew I could do it one way, but didn't know that the other way I couldn't. Does that make sense?
Myya said…
Cute vlog! I've always loved snowglobes, but I don't even own one... weird right!
Love how your daughter did the whole Vanna White thing... too cute!
Nicole said…
are all your snow globes Mickey related?

I started collecting Mr & Mrs Claus Salt and Pepper Shakers... you know how difficult that is? But it's fun when I find them!
Cheeseboy said…
So, who was your favorite Monkey? Davey Jones, right? Every woman loved Davey.
Laura said…
I can embarrass my kids, HA, that was funny. Love the vlog, very fun to see people!!
Mamarazzi said…
being able to embarrass your kids does take special talent.

thanks for linking up.

J has a snow globe collection that lives at her grandma's house.
AndreaLeigh said…
so funny! love the vlog!
Linda Medrano said…
You have a lot of poise on camera! Wow!
Shawn said…
Did I hear laughter in the background when you talked about your Monkeys fan club? OH kids, you gotta love 'em!

I believe if you embarrass your kids you have done your job!

Thanks for linking up!
KK said…
You're so funny, now I keep trying to turn my tongue upside down!

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