Can We Talk?


Have you ever gotten a comment that you wanted to respond back to?  And when you go to respond there it is: noreply-comment.  What?  I want to talk to you.  Maybe you don't know you can enable your email.  I didn't.  I can't remember when I figured it out, but ever since I did I am so glad I did it.  I get to chat with all my bloggy friends.  Sometimes I go back and forth for about 4 or 5 emails.  It's a great way to get to know your blogging buddies more.  

Are you like I was and don't realize you can do this.  So very easy:  Go to your "dashboard". Click "edit profile". Click the little box next to "show my email address". Click "SAVE".  It should show the same address that your comments are delivered to. If you want email sent to a different address you will need to change your address.  I am going to learn how to do that trick!!   And when I do, I can share it...via email.  (Thanks Mamarazzi!)

What is your position on enabling your email vs. not?  And will you join us in the Bloggy Revolution!?


Emmy said…
Yes! It is a must. Well Okay not really a must but so so nice. I am not going to go back to a post I already read to see if a blogger answered my question, so so nice when they can just email the answer.
Linda Medrano said…
It really is too bad when someone leaves a comment and I have no way to see if they have a blog I can check out.
Christina Lee said…

And How DARE you leave such a cryptic comment Woman!!!
mormonhermitmom said…
Well I never knew I had it enabled in the first place but I do enjoy the way you "talk back to me"
Laura Lynn said…
I hate it when I want to respond and there is no address. If that happens, I send them a message through google and hope they get back to me with their e-mail!
Liz Mays said…
I like having the email in there too. Sometimes you just need to say a little bit more!
Nicole said…
For the longest time i didn't know about that and finally figured it out. I think it's good b/c sometimes you want to reply and if you reply in your post, you aren't 100% sure they get it.
Mamarazzi said…
woo the revolution!!
Anonymous said…
Please, people. I'm not the CIA. I can't be hunting everyone down.
Shell said…
Oh, how I wish everyone would do this!
Rachel Sue said…
Oh, my gosh! ALL THE TIME! Seriously, why don't people do this?
Laura said…
YES all the time!! I hope everyone reads this and changes their ways. ;)
Anonymous said…
Stopping by from Mamarazzi. I didn't know for a while. Thank God someone told me! I wish it wasn't even an option. I love emails!
Holly Lefevre said…
Pet peeve along with word verification...drives me nuts. Especially when they actually ask me a question!
Amy said…
Oh how sad and frustrated it makes me when I can't respond to someone's comment! Especially because it was probably a really great one, and I always have lots to say, and I would want to start a discussion with them. Thanks for helping to get the word out. I may have to blog about it again, too.

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