2010 Review Extravaganza!! April - June
It's week two of the 2010 Review Extravaganza! We are covering April, May and June. If you missed out on playing last week, no worries start up now! There is no grading here. So come and play along with all of us!
I missed something in last weeks post...it was my first blogiversary. It was in Feb. But really it was before that. You can see my "return" post here. I had a really weird incident with my glasses and losing a lens. I never did find it. I got tickled pink!
There were two earthquakes within about 2 months of each other and they were related to each other. It was the Easter quake in the Mexi/Cali area. That one was a pretty good shaker. The second one got our attention but it wasn't quite as bad as the first.
In May, Emmy had something really big happen. I will let her do the honors. I will just say that I took care of Lucas for a few days while he and Eric were here for Lucas' preschool graduation. Curious to know what Emmy had going on? Go check out her post! But finish this one first, k.
Ryan and Lucas keeping cool.
In June, we got to reconnect with some old friends. My BF whom I grew up with has a daughter who will be headed to college soon, and her daughter and her mother were out here scoping out colleges. Sadly my BF didn't make it, but we did get to see her daughter and mom. It was a great reunion!
We had that second quake. It was while Kristin went to Girls Camp. It was her first trip ever. She had a total blast. And she also missed that earthquake! We also got to meet some one very special....
And some where in those three months I also had a milestone...I lost my first ten pounds. The post for that can be found here. And I also started my third blog!!!
So now that you see how much fun this it, I bet you are just ready to come and play. Post whenever you want, and then come and link up. Plus we are doing a giveaway!!! So come on and play.
![Samantha's Day](http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a58/TrueCelticHeart/Syminmotionbutton.png)
![Family of Shorts](http://i585.photobucket.com/albums/ss291/ashortmama/Custom%20Blog%20Design/FamilyOfShortsButton.png)
Congrats on the weightloss achievements!!
Crazy how quickly time goes. I am anticipating another shaker someday and just hoping it is a small one.
3 blogs? I don't know how you do it.