A Funny Thing Happened....

The weirdest thing happened to me on Thursday.  I was reading everybody's blogs like usual and I was watching Emmy's kids while she had to do that disgusting diabetes test where you drink 8 ounces of liquid sugar.  See it was all normal.  I wear reading glasses, because without them I can't read.  It's just too hard.  *sigh*  Why does getting older suck so much?  Anyhoo....Emmy came back with a good report.  After she left, me and the boy had lunch.  Then, I started to develop a migraine.  I got my meds and laid down on the couch while Ryan wacthed, "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs." Again.  I set my glasses on basket of freshly folded laundry.  I decided that was probably a bad idea so I moved them to my keyboard--which was their normal resting place.  I rested quietly until it was time to pick up my lovelies from school.  After I got through all that running around, I came home and felt well enough to resume some reading.  I picked up my glasses only to discover one of the lenses had come out.  I searched and searched for this lens.  I couldn't find it.  It's not like it is easy to find.  I tried to read the blogs.  I couldn't do it.  It was too much.  Do you know I went through blog withdrawal!?  Seriously!  I considered buying readers to tide me over til next month when I am due for my regular exam.  Those things are expensive at certain pharmacies *cough* CVS.  I tried them on and all it did was make things bigger.  I could tell it wasn't going to help.   So I thought I would call my insurance and see if they would give me a reprieve and let me go early for my eye exam.   Nope.  No go.  I would have to wait the 30 days.  Here is where my questions come into play....

First of all, seriously...they can't fork over the cost of the exam 30 days early?  Why!?  Because their $77 is just too steep of a price to pay?  I mean it's not like they cover anything else.  Glasses and frames are all on me.  Yep, that is right.  I pay my $12 for the exam and they are so wonderful they cover the rest.  If I need glasses I guess I need to figure it out.  Why is it like that?  I mean I would even accept coverage of frames up to $100 and glasses coverage for the basic lens.  No fancy stuff is covered.  You know, if you want transition lenses or the anti-glare, you have to cover that.  Doesn't that sound fair?  I went to Lens Crafters on Friday since their exam was $30  cheaper than the regular doc.  I then prayed they could turn out my new eyes in an hour.  After all that was the whole point! 

$400 later, I have new eyes and I can read blogs again.  They are stronger than the last pair, duh.  I have a very slight need for distance correction, but she didn't seem to think I needed it...yet.  I opted to let it go for now.  With my old prescription, I could look across the room and see fine.  With this new pair, not so much.  They are for close work only.  I am fine with that.  I like being able to see.  I just want to know why insurance will not take care of me.  Isn't that their job?  I know I am opening a huge can of worms here.  What is your insurance like?  How would you like to change it? 

Me and my new specs.


Emmy said…
Thanks for watching my kids again, and your new glasses are very cute :)

The best insurance I ever had was when I worked for the state of Utah. Very little money came from my pay check and it was dental, health and vision; it was going to cover 100% of Lucas' birth and my pregnancy appts. Too bad we moved halfway through my pregnancy so I had to give that up.
Richard said…
Moving from the military, where pretty much EVERYTHING is covered to civilian life where pretty much NOTHING is, was a shock. The military frames weren't too bad when I retired. Better than the BC (birth control) frames they had when I first enlisted.
mormonhermitmom said…
We pay like 20% up to a certain limit, and then it's all us. The limit is not enough to cover the more extreme prescriptions like bifocals and we only get one exam a year. There is a warranty on the glass lenses, but if my contacts are lost, I have to pay the full cost to replace.

This is the best we've ever had. Before, we only got a 5% discount on the cost of the exam and glasses. So you can bet that we just took the prescriptions over to Walmart's vision center and bought the cheapest frames there.
KK said…
Cute new glasses! I can't believe they cost so much, yuck! My insurance doesn't pay anything at all for vision.
Shelley said…
Our insurance covers about $75 I think. It's only once a year and you can only get contacts OR glasses. They aren't both covered. So if I can't wear contacts for some reason then I am blind! It sucks. But your glasses are cute!
See Mom Smile said…
Yes getting old sucks like a vacuum. I buy reading glasses in bulk at the Dollar Store. Yea, you heard me. I keep a few dozen pair strewn about the house and don't feel bad when they get lost or broken. Yea, I am cool like that. Cute new glasses!!
$400. Ouch! Before I give you your much deserved sympathy, let me brag about my glasses: I have had the same pair for 3 years and they have NEVER broke. I'm sure my prescription has changed but still, you know what they say, if it aint broke don't fix it.

Bummer again about your glasses. I am sorry your insurance is completely unhelpful in the matter!!
Christina Lee said…
We were jsut talking about he cost of glasses--ouch! cute glasses though!
Jenny said…
At least they're cute! Accckkkk! Migraines. I haven't had them for years but I remember...and all I can say is "oh you poor thing!"

I hate our insurance.

My husband is self-employed...has always been. Not only do we pay a fortune it seems like we get less and less care for the money.

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