N is for Newborn

Today I am playing Alphabae-Thursday with . Jenny Go and check it out, after you have read my post of course!

N is for "Newborn" and with all the birth stories I have seen lately, I thought I would share some newborns with you all and a short story of each one.

Newborn Number one was No surprise to us.  We had her planned right to the Nano-second.  I had to have a Non-stress done the day before she was born.  I don't remember why.  I just remember being terribly uncomfortable.  I had No idea I was in labor.  When I went to the doctor the next day I was dilated to a 4.  Yikes!  I went home and waited it out until contractions were every 5-6 minutes and making me cry.  We got to the hospital and 4 hours later a baby was born.  She was a teeny thing:  6 pounds 11 ounces.  20 and 3/4 inches.  She is still long and lean.  I do not have a Newborn picture of her...handy, but I have a picture at six months.  Dig those eyes!

Another Newborn came along...I had a lot of Nausea with that one.  Needless to say I do not like saltine crackers.  At all.  The very thought of them causes me to gag a little.  This Newborn was supposed to come in July.  But this Newborn was impatient.  She wanted to come sooner.  She came one month early.  My water broke in the middle of the Night.  I thought I had peed the bed.  You know in the TV shows when their water breaks and they are dry.  Yeah.  That is not accurate.  The water keeps coming.  And coming.  The receptionist at the ER actually asked what they could do for me.  Really?  I was holding a towel under my drooping belly and looking like I needed an epidural...STAT.  I got that plus pitocin.  The doctor foolishly thought this Newborn would wait til Noon.  No, she wanted to arrive at 10:43.  She needed to be born.  Her umbilical was wrapped around her Neck.  Twice.  She was purple. Not breathing.  There was no chaos like in those medical shows.  They worked fast and quiet.  That Newborn pinked up and started tasting the air with her tongue.  She spent the next four days in the NICU.  She was one of the bigger babies there.  She had a heart murmur, trouble maintaining her body temp and had to be taught how to Nurse.  She weighed 5lbs. 12ounces.  19 3/4 inches. 
Look at that little peanut.

And finally a third Newborn.  This one waited a long time to join us.  He didn't want to be early.  He was late.  Hmmmm...maybe I should tell that to his future wife.  I had a lot Nausea with this one too.  French toast and me were not friends for a very long time.  I liked meat.  And lots of it.  I got big with this Newborn.  Real big.  I was real worried about having another small baby and having to lose a lot of weight. I had Numerous false alarms with this one.  It got to the point where I could barely walk across the street without starting a series of contractions.  Why I was not put on bed rest, I will never know.  They stripped my membranes.  Not a pleasant experience.  I walked around the Oktober Fest, also unpleasant.  Nothing got it going.  He just wanted to wait for his sister to get baptized.  Six days after that, he decided to come.  My contractions were consistent enough for me, but not the hospital the night before.  I slept, sort of, between contractions.  Waking Rich along the way.  At 5AM it was time.  The girls were at a friends.  My mom was there and she came with us.  The gal at labor and delivery was snotty and Noted how calm I was for being "labor."  At that exact moment, I had a killer contraction and then I bawled like a baby.  Take that!  I was examined.  Dilated to 4 and 80% effaced.  We are a go!  Twenty minutes later I was 8 and 90%  I wanted my epidural.  I was in a military hospital.  A teaching hospital.  Team A wanted me to go Natural.  Which I almost did.  Team B was fighting for epidural.  The Colonel came in and ordered the epidural.  No, I mean he ORDERED it.  He was my favorite person, until the anesthesiologist arrived.  He started asking me questions.  I answered one, I think.  Rich answered the rest.  I don't remember what they were.  I just remember the pain was gone, and I could push.  I pushed and pushed and when that head and shoulder came out, that Newborn stayed.  He was very big you see.  A big chested guy.  One last push and out he came.  I looked at him for the first time, and he was big.  I was happy.  Oh and that Newborn had the Nerve to pee on the nice Colonel who took such good care of his Mommy.  Oh yes he did.  He weighed 8 pounds 10.3 ounces 21 3/4 inches.  My big boy.
All adorned in white, like an angel from heaven.

And there is just one more Newborn I would like to share with you.  This Newborn is very Near and dear to my heart....she is the youngest in her family.  She was born fast.  Not early.  Not late.  Right on the date.  She was once punctual.  Too bad it didn't last.   8 pounds 14 ounces.  And she was the SMALL one.
Don't worry, that sad big sister ended up liking that Newborn.
N is for Newborn!

Go and check my photo blog



Rachel Sue said…
I love reading these stories! 8.10? Wow. You are my hero. :)
Tracy said…
Oh now why did I not blog like that I love reading other peoples baby stories
mormonhermitmom said…
Newborns are cute...and exhausting.
Anonymous said…
What wonderful stories. Each one was so unique.
I loved each story and your kids will too!
Great story, made me remember my labor & deliverys. I had c-sections so missed a lot of the fun....
Anonymous said…
stripping membranes....I have no idea what that is but I'll bet it hurt!
Jo said…
awe, they are just so adorable when they are new and fresh!
Viki said…
Each birth story so different. Your kids are beautiful.
Nadeen said…
I love the satin gown. What was the occassion? Great post.
Pondside said…
Every story is special.
There's nothing like that newborn cry, newborn smell, newborn fuzzy head - love it!
Emmy said…
Great post! And what cute pictures. Look at that glare, but look at how much she looks like your girls! Crazy

Glad Emily was okay, especially with being born so early
See Mom Smile said…
I love birth stories. I need to start posting some. I love newborns too, which is why I had 6 of them. I forgot they grow into teenagers, which I have 4 of right now. Yea, it's So. Much. Fun....
Wonderful to think back on, glad it's over!
Laura said…
Awww, makes me want another one!! I love newborns!
KK said…
Thanks or sharing those stories, so precious.
Amanda Lee said…
Ahh, I love birth stories. Thanks for sharing yours!
Christina Lee said…
AWWW love the stories! Little peanuts!
Jenny said…
Baby stories always get me.

I go "awwww".

I tear up a bit.

I touch the pictures gently with my finger.

And I remember.

Thank you for this poignant and beautiful post on my little journey through Alphabe-Thursday's Letter "N"!

Betty said…
I enjoyed hearing about your newborns!
Christy said…
I love to read birth stories and i adore newborns! (had 9 of them myself!)

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