Multiple Personalities

My lovely Kristin awarded me with her own special brand of a blog award.  Her award to me is the "Multiple Personalities" award.  She wants me to show my many different personalities.  Well who am I?  Sybil?  On some days, one might wonder.
I can be fearful

But watch out for Mama Bear
But in the end, all those faces belong to me. 

I am who I am and I make no apologies for that.  Thank you Kristin, for helping step a lot little out of my comfort zone.

Come back tomorrow for my DWTS recap!!


Emmy said…
Love it! I need to make my video for the award she gave me still
Amy said…
Ha! What a funny idea! I love all your different faces. And by the way, I linked to you today. Just so you know. :)
mormonhermitmom said…
Schizophrenia? Depends on who you talk to.... Badoom Ching!
Linda Medrano said…
I love your pretty face!
Krissy said…
good job mommy ur welcome
Jen said…
I blame all my bad moods on Sybil. I've promised to keep her tied and gagged under the bed.
Holly Lefevre said…
That might be the best award yet...some real interaction! Love your faces!
Liz Mays said…
You're so lovable!!!!
Nicole said…
lol your awesome!
CB said…
These made me laugh - What a crack up you are!! I can tell you would be fun to be around!!

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