Parties, Dishes and Tortillas

I confess...

Saturday is Ryan's birthday party.  As in his first "friends birthday party."  He is very excited about it.  So far, I have two confirmed guests.  I know that a lot of times people just show up.  But there is a part of me that hopes that is it.  Ryan doesn't do well with noise and confusion.  But I don't want his feelings to be hurt.

I confess...

I am in physical therapy.  I don't always remember to do my exercises.  And when I do, it is usually late at night.  And really who wants to do that stuff at night anyway? 

I confess...

I let the Little Middle eat tortillas for breakfast.  It's a carb.  She also drinks a tall glass of milk.  One time she also had a banana.  

I confess...

I let the teen stay up til 11....but only because she had not done her homework.  I am partially responsible for that.  I didn't get on her to do it.  

I confess....

This one is a little weird...or maybe not.  I rarely, if ever, leave the dishes over night.  I have been known to do them at 11 at night.  If I leave them it is because I am sick.  Or have a rip roarin' migraine.  Or both.  I just can't stand the thought of waking up to dirty dishes.

I confess...

I can't stand that the thought of waking up to my messy house either...but somehow I am able to let that one slide a lot a little.

I feel so much better now!  What are your confessions?


Mamarazzi said…
girl i am soooo with you on dishes in the sink. i can hardly stand a dish in a sink for longer than 10 minutes, let alone all night!

seriously, i run the dishwasher overnight and unload it first thing in the morning, JUST so no one has an excuse to leave a dish in my shiny sink!

i have also been known to allow the teen to stay up WAY too late to complete an assignment. she had to "pay me back" by losing sleep in time on the weekend for chores (usually she can sleep as late as she wants on Saturdays, if we don't have plans)she learned the hard way to do homework as soon as she gets home from school after a few Saturdays of not sleeping in.
jen said…
I don't know if it's my computer or something on your side, but your blog is in about 2 point font. I found the comment link by sheer luck. Hopefully you can fix it, or it's something on my end. Couldn't read a thing, but know I tried!
VandyJ said…
I can let the dishes go but usually do them first thing in the morning. ANd I'm obsessive about putting my toddlers toys away--finding all teh Mr. Potato head parts and putting the block train back together. Stacking the blocks together, finding all the shape sorter parts and putting them together--just so I can find them scattered across the floor the next day. Great fun.
Liz Mays said…
I confess that I sometimes will complain about somebody else's mess in the house and then find that I've done the very same thing myself. Ooops!
Rachel Sue said…
I don't like waking up to a messy house either. . .

and yet I do every single day of the week!
Emmy said…
We only had two for sure confirmations ourselves. By the way did I RSVP? :). We will be there.

We never go to bed with dirty dishes or a dirty house because Eric can't stand it... Me... Well it is a good thing he is home every night.
Amy said…
Hey, it is y son's birthday party as well! So exciting for them! But I completely understand on the whole RSVP thing. Somewhat annoying, if you ask me.

Tortillas are just as good as the sugary breakfast cereals, right?

Staying up until 11 for a teen is not really staying up late at all, it is going to bed early! At least that is what I used to think.

And the going to bed with a dirty house/dirty dishes... I wish you would rub off on me. I do it all the time, though I am getting a lot better at it. I got my kitchen clean last night before bed... except for the dishes. They are currently in my sink waiting until nap time when I will be able to get to them.
Cluttered Brain said…
oh yes...i am so with ya on the messy house and doing the dishes...
Paper plates anyone?
I HATE dishes...
Anonymous said…
I'm the same way with the dirty dishes. If I let them go it starts my day off on the wrong foot.
I confess.... that my family eats in shifts and usually leave a very clean kitchen before I go to work everymorning. At this point it is the best I can do.
CB said…
I confess that I have eaten a Mini Snickers bar every morning since October 1st. Sssshhhhhh

I hope Ryan's party is great!!!
Linda Medrano said…
Dishes in the sink bug me. I have a dishwasher. Just stick it in there, husband. What's so hard about that? Gee, I don't know. He never does it.
Holly Lefevre said…
Hope the party was a success! I think tortilla sand milks are perfectly acceptable breakfast! I too must do the dishes and wipe the counters...I am happier when I wake to a 'clean" kitchen. You do not have enough room for all of my confessions this week.
Laura said…
I am SO with you on the dishes thing, no matter how much I want to leave them I can't stand waking up to the either! Hope the birthday party went great!! :)

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