DWTS Unplugged

Tonight Dancing with the Stars is doing two very different things for the first time ever.  They created a theater in the round.  The dances tonight:  the Rumba and The Argentine Tango don't require as much room, this gives the judges a better vantage point, and they were able to pack in more people.  The other thing, tonight they are unplugged.  All acoustic.  For the first time ever the stars and the pros are dancing to acoustic music only.  Also the couples will receive two sets of scores:  one for technical and one for performance.  The cool part about this, is they use instant replay.  I wish they would do this each week!  

Kurt Warner and Anna Trebunskaya 1-800-868-3408

It is Kurt's anniversary.  What better way to celebrate your anniversary than to dance the sexy Rumba with another woman!  This made Kurt very uncomfortable. They finally brought in his wife and Anna's husband.  He asked his wife for her permission to do this dance.  How cute.  She told him it was a dance and to go for it. Wow, Kurt's wife is awesome!  Kurt got the hip action going, but he seemed hesitant.  And the judges... Len said he had very nice hip action. He told him the  performance was hit just right.  Bruno told him the movement needs to travel through the arms to the hands.  "You look like you were catching a football." and regarding their chemistry, "You look more like brother and sister."  Carrie Ann said she loved the performance but that Bruno was right about the arms, and his musicality was a little off.

Scores For Technical
Carrie Ann: 5
Len: 5
Bruno: 5
Scores For Performance:
Carrie Ann 7
Len: 6
Bruno: 6
Total: 34/60

Brandy and Maks Chmerkovskiy 1-800-868-3406

Brandy and Maks are dancing the Rumba and Brandy is having problems feeling sexy.  Maks tells her she is too mechanical.  "I don't feel sexy unless I am in love." So, Maks sets up a "date" with her.   I think if Brandy can relax and just enjoy herself she will really grow.  She did good this week, but I know she can do better.
Bruno said he was loving that mood of sensuality. He told her she played it very very well but to watch her hands because they went from beautiful  to erratic.  "There you are!"Carrie Ann exclaimed.  "I've been waiting for the real Brandy!" She advised her to use more strength in her legs.  Len said it was a little hot and spicy for him, but that it was very well done.

Scores Technical:
Carrie Ann:  7
Len: 8
Bruno:  7
Performance Scores:
Carrie Ann:  9
Len:  8
Bruno:  9
Total: 48/60

 Rick Fox and Cheryl Burke 1-800-868-3404

Rick and Cheryl are dancing The Argentine Tango.  A sexier version of it's sister dance "The Tango." A bit more aggressive too.   Rick growls like an animal (to be more dominant) to which Cheryl replied, " No.  Don't do that. "  In the Argentine Tango lifts are allowed.  And their lifts (in rehearsal were not going well.)  However, in performance they pulled it together and he looked like Mr. Debonair.  Carrie Ann obviously approved of the look, but felt the overall performance was one dimensional, and that he wasn't fully committed to the dance.  Len said the lifts were excellent and it started out intense and full of drama but it gradually lost energy. Bruno told him he liked how he came out like he didn't give a damn how he was going to get it, but he was.  He cautioned him on his follow through and musicality.

Scores Technical:
Carrie Ann:  6
Len:  7
Bruno  6

Performance Scores:
Carrie Ann:  6
Len: 7
Bruno: 7
Total: 39/60

Kyle Massey and Lacey Schwimmer 1-800-868-3403

Kyle Massey is 19 years old and sometimes that 19 year old boy shines through.  He and Lacey are dancing The Rumba, a very sexy, hot, and intimate dance.  19 years old--raging hormones--and Lacey Schwimmer cute sexy blond.  I have to give him chops for not being crude.  Instead he chose the comedic route.  What else was he supposed to do?  He's a Disney kid!?  He was told last week to point his toes and that his footwork was "atrocious."  He worked so hard on his feet that the upper half suffered.  But still a great performance was given.  Len praised him for his improvement and the chemistry, but felt the moves were a little too sharp. Bruno told him he is a natural but the movements need more fluidity.  Carrie Ann liked the feel of innocence the dance had.  I have to agree there.  And like me, she noted his footwork and pointed out the upper half.

Scores Technical
Carrie Ann:   6
Len: 6
Bruno: 6

Scores Performance:
Carrie Ann:  8
Len: 7
Bruno: 7

The Situation and Karina Smirnoff 1-800-868-3410

The Situation and Karina are also dancing The Argentine Tango.  Karina scolds him to not drag her around like a sack of potatoes.  Not only did he do just that, but when they were practicing lifts it was more like wrestling.  She will be beat up for sure.  And the situation is grim. Very very grim.  The boy can't dance.  Bruno said it was a terrible mess.  "Like someone trying to put together a puzzle that never quite makes sense...you did the best you could."  Carrie Ann said,  "On behalf of all the ladies, 'hello abs!'"  On be half of this CA Girl, Carrie Ann check your hormones at the door please!  She did tell him it was a rough ride for him.  Len said it was consistent...as in...consistently bad.

Scores Technical:
Carrie Ann: 4
Len: 4
Bruno: 4

Scores Performance:
Carrie Ann:  6
Len: 5
Bruno: 5

Florence Henderson and Corky Ballas 1-800-868-3409

Florence Henderson and Corky Ballas are dancing The Rumba.  Corky described the dance as, " the vertical expression of a horizontal desire." Best description ever!  Thank you Corky!  Florence says she has no fear of being sexy and that whatever Corky throws at her,  she will throw it back."  And he did and she did!  Hot and steamy Mrs. Brady!  Tom Bergeron said it was the first "get a room" dance of season 11.  Carrie Ann dares to be shocked and exclaims, "What is happening!?  You're Mrs. Brady!"  I think Florence has already proved otherwise.  And now Carrie Ann decides morals are in order telling her that the dance was a little too raunchy.  Really Carrie?  Len liked it.  Of course he did.  Bruno said it was spicy but that at times she lost her timing.

Scores Technical
Carrie Ann:  6
Len: 6
Bruno: 5

Scores Performance:
Carrie Ann:  6
Len: 6
Bruno: 5
Total 35/60

Jennifer Grey and Derek Hough 1-800-868-3411

Jennifer and Derek are dancing The Argentine Tango.  Jennifer said that every dance has a new and different kind of pain.  And this dance was doing her in.  At one point she apologized to Derek for being so old.  (she is 50 ladies!)  He told her not to say that.  He's a good guy.  And and excellent teacher.  I was WOWED by their Tango.  So much so that I was swept away with them.  Awesome.  Len said it was excellent and magnificent!  Bruno called it prime time delight.  And Carrie Ann said it was A-MAY-ZING!!  (hmmm do I see 10's?)

Scores Technical:
Carrie Ann:  9
Len: 9
Bruno 9

Scores Performance:
Carrie Ann:  10
Len: 9
Bruno: 10
Total: 56

Bristol Palin and Mark Ballas  1-800-868-3407

Bristol and Mark have The Rumba, and according to Mark...Bristiol and the Rumba have absolutely zero in common.  She may be an unwed mother, but she is also from Alaska.  The Rumba is not something she is familiar with.  When the dance started, Mark had a shirt.  Notice in the picture he doesn't.  For an 18 year old single mother, I felt she pulled off the sensual.  Now who's supposed to get a room?
Bruno told her she is always kind of clingy and that her moves never go anywhere.Carrie Ann told her she has naturally beautiful movement.  But there is no effort.  "Dance with much more intensity!" she advised.  Len did not (does not) like it when the guys go shirtless.  Mark got scolded for that.  "Less is more!" and it is not good to use a "distraction."

Scores Technical:
Carrie Ann 6
Len: 6
Bruno: 6

Scores Performance:
Carrie Ann:  4
Len: 5
Bruno: 5
Total 32/60

Brooke doing her "Samantha Harris" impression asks her favorite question.  "32 out of 60 how does that feel?"  It feels like crap Brooke!  No, they didn't say that, but they did say that it sucked and that those scores were low.  Finally...an honest answer!

Adrinna Patridge and Tony Dovolani 1-800-868-3401

Adrinna and Tony's dance:  Argentine Tango.  For the first time, I notice that the rehearsal stage is taped to represent the stage as it will be on show night.  After a lovely lift, Tony points out that she has landed on the other side of the tape.  Which means she would have fallen off the stage.  I am really impressed with this person whom I had never heard of.  She has a chance I think.  While their Tango did not and could not touch Derek and Jennifer's, it was still a good one.  Carrie Ann said she  enjoyed it advised her to  work on extending her feet beyond her toes. She also told her that her dismount was sloppy.  Len called it clean and clear but that he didn't get transported.  Bruno said she played it like she was the Ice Queen.  He also called her on pointing her toes.

Scores Technical:
Carrie Ann:  8
Len: 8
Bruno: 8

Scores Performance:
Carrie Ann:  8
Len: 7
Bruno: 7
Total:  46/60

Next week the dancers will be dancing to TV Tunes!  Corky and Florence are hoping for the Brady Bunch!  Their dance is the Tango....does that work?

Going home this week:  The Situation and Karina

*Photos from ABC*


Liz Mays said…
Adios to the Situation, long overdue!
Christina Lee said…
I concur--ADIOS! Phew, he was hard to watch!
Anonymous said…
The Situation HAD to go.

My prediction? The final 3 will be Jennifer, Brandy, and Audrina.
Emmy said…
All right all right, if I find time I am going to go to ABC and watch these :)
CB said…
Love your re-cap as always - and very grateful for them!
Jennifer Grey is still my fave!!
Nicole said…
I hate to say it but I love Bristol's dance! It was great and I thought totally intense.

I also liked Rick Fox and Cheryl Burke's performance. Great write up, love reading these! awesome!

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