Brownie Points

I am trying to earn my brownie points today.  I am going to earn them by participating in Glamazon's weekly confessional!

  • I made Little Middle go to bed without her treasured "Bunny"  A blanket with a bunny head.
  • I left it in the washer. Do you ever do this?  Only to realize at 11 at night you have to put it in the dryer?
  • I put it in the dryer and promised to remember to give it to her--wake her up per her request.
  • I hope I remember this.
  • Remember I forget stuff.
  • I made brownies today.
  • Why did I do that when I want to lose 15 more pounds?
  • My dishes are only half done.
  • I would rather work on my blogs than tend to them.
  • I would also rather sleep for a day or know recharge my batteries
  • But for what point and purpose?  The house would fall apart.
So have I earned brownie points today?  How about a brownie?

Remember to link up on Tuesday for The Status Quote!  Gather your friends funniest status updates on Twitter/Facebook.  No need to tell us who's who.  Just the updates.




Christina Lee said…
You earned them! I do the dryer thing all the time!
Rachel said…
Yeah, the dreaded leave things in the washer . . . been there! And brownies. They don't help you lose weight, but they do make you smile!! Yummy!
Rebecca Dot Com said…
sometimes it nice to have brownies!!! :) ENJOY THEM!

Im hosting a giveway - come enter!
Anonymous said…
I've done that with my son's blanket before. Big trouble for me. Enjoy your brownie!
Joy@TPMG said…
At least you didn't leave it in the washer for a day or two. I have done that. Yummy brownies!
Nicole said…
lol yes you've earned them!! :) you know whats funny the other day I put a load of wash in and completley forgot about them! I had to wash them like 3 times after that to get away that stinky musty smell, they still smelled bad though. Enjoy your brownie, its friday and you deserve it! I'm getting me a chai right after work in celebration of the end of the week:)
Emmy said…
I do that with the wash all the time. I just wish the wash would do itself. And brownies are one of the hardest things to resist.
Amy said…
Ugh, I do that more often than I would like to admit (the laundry in the washer for several hours/days). Glad I am not the only one! And I think you definitely get brownie points... but only if you share. The brownies, I mean. :)

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