I Am A Complainer!

I admit it.  I am a complainer.  A moaner.  A griper.  I go and on.  Sometimes relentlessly! Sometimes it's because I have PMS and if that is the case, then all bets are off.  I can complain as much as I feel like!  And if you don't like it, too bad.  And hand over that chocolate!

Today, I have something worth griping about.  It's not about my kids.  Though I have been known to.  It's not about my husband.  He gets a reprieve since he had shoulder surgery on Wednesday.  No, today I am complaining about two things....

Number one:  HEAT.  I don't care who you are.  If you are hot and miserable, there is nothing in the world to fix it.  You're hot.  Plain and simple.  You crave a room fit to hang meat.  A giant pool with a temp of about 80.  Ahhhh.  You even start thinking of snow, but decide it's a bad idea when you realize how bundled up you would need to be. 

Number Two:  This one ties directly to the first.  MY FREAKING AIR CONDITIONER BROKE!!  In 100 + heat no less.  What the heck?  Oh we got on the horn right away.  The contractors came with in the hour!  The GOOD news is:  the unit is out of FREON.  The BAD news??  Oh well that would be:  the compressor is leaking out of the electrical terminal.  So NOW I get to wait and see what insurance will do for us.  And because of code changes I may or may not have expenses out of pocket.  Well hey now...I haven't had the house that long.  When were these code changes made.  Stupid CA codes. 

I complain a lot.  But this time it is for a good reason. 


Christina Lee said…
Oh CRAP--it is a good reason! hang in there!
Laura Lynn said…
Air conditioner out - a good reason to complain!
Rachel said…
I feel for you girl! Being hot with no ac is the worst!!!!!
Emmy said…
Stupid CA codes is right! CA is the most ridicously over coded state out there. Have you ever noticed the red curb fire lanes? Only in CA do they have the actual code written on them!

And come over and be cool with me.
Linda Medrano said…
Oh Damn! Oh double damn! How is your husband doing? I hope he's good. Now about the AC. Come on, you need this fixed NOW. You can't live in this kind of weather. Do you have a neighbor you can move in with until the end of September or so? Oh, heck, just pack everybody in the car and come up here. It's cooled off in Nor Cali. We're having light rain tomorrow.
Shell said…
I hope you can get it fixed soon! Ours broke this summer...when we were having 105+ days. I was the most miserable person ever.
superpaige said…
Ugh. I hope you can get that fixed soon. Heat is unbearable!
Holly Lefevre said…
A laid up hubby and no air conditioning. Complain away - you can even come complain on my blog!
mormonhermitmom said…
No ac? Complain away. Fill the bathtub with luke warm water and soak away.
CB said…
Oh boy that is NOT good!!
I am even hot with the A/C on much less with it broken!!
Do you have chest freezer in your garage? There could be options ;)

Hope it gets fixed soon and without too much of the green stuff leaving your pocket!
Vee said…
Ugh - I am a whiner too. ESPECIALLY when it comes to my body temperature. If I am too cold or too hot, I will complain relentlessly. I feel your pain. Hope the AC get fixed ASAP!
Mayra said…
Definitely a good reason to complain!! I always have a hand fan at hand lol

hope your hubs is doing good!
Laura said…
Oh man, that does suck! I am more of an open window fresh air kind of girl but when it's over 90 degrees out I would be complaining like no other if my ac didn't work too!

Maybe go for a long drive, the car has air right!? :)
Melissa said…
Oh no! That sucks!
Susan Anderson said…
oh no oh no oh no

I'm so sorry.

KK said…
There is nothing worse than being hot!

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