UN Mother's Day?

It is that time of year when mom's everywhere will be treated to mushy cereal, warm milk and runny eggs.  That time of year where moms are given trinkets of love and affection.  When we were kids, we would ask our mom what she wanted for Mother's Day.  Her response was always the same, "I want the house to be clean."  And you know what?  We never did it.  And now years later, I realize and fully appreciate that response. 

A few weeks ago, my mom and I were talking about Mother's Day.  And she came up with a brilliant idea!  We should have an UN mother's day.  A day where we moms don't have to do anything, except maybe hang out at the pool that's at the hotel we are staying at.  A drink of your choice (diet coke for me please) one of those big obnoxious floppy hats and a cushioned lounge chair.  There is no laundry to be done because this is UN mother's day.  You don't have to wipe any butts or noses because it is UN mother's day.  No dishes.  No settling arguments.  No pets to clean up after.  No toys to trip on.  Ahhhhh.  It truly sounds fabulous.  But the plan has one tiny flaw.  It will all be there....waiting...when UN mother's day is over.   I am suddenly reminded of an email I received a few years ago.  The husband comes home from work one day and there are toys all over the yard.  It wasn't an unusual site, but he when got to the porch he saw there was empty juice boxes, food wrappers and other things strewn about.  Upon entering the house, the messes grew and became more and more disturbing.  Fearing the worst, he ran up the stairs and found his wife in the tub with bubbles, candles lit around the room, magazine in hand.  Dumbfounded, he asked, "What is going on?"  His wife turned her relaxed head in his direction and simply replied, "You know how you ask me what it is I do here all day?"  he nodded, still confused.  "Today I didn't do it."

Here's to all my sister friends, mothers, daughters, cousins, sisters, nieces, daughters and granddaughters.  Have a wonderful day this Sunday.  Yes, it is a day to celebrate mother's, but I also believe we should be celebrating women.  We are a unique and beautiful group of people!  You all play an important part in people's lives.

To my Mother-In-Law I will say:  Thank you for loving me and making me one of your own.  Thank you for being impartial, loving, and kind. 

To my own mother I will say:  Thank you for teaching me, for giving to me, for helping me.  Thanks for all those times I read those same silly joke books over and over.  Thanks for battling with me in the middle of the store with wrapping paper rolls instead of telling me no.  Thank you for opening your door to my friends for sleepovers and get togethers.  Thanks for letting me rattle on and on about my celebrity crushes.  The torch has been passed.  I am who I am because of you.  I am forever learning from you.  I am the mother I am because you can help me see things differently than my otherwise frustrated brain can.  I love you, Mom.  Now... what do you want for Mother's Day?

 My moms!
On the left:  My Mom. On the right:  My other Mom!


mormonhermitmom said…
I like the UN mother's day thing. Count me in.
Shelley said…
That's a great idea!! Nice! I should use that someday! So cute about your moms. Yay! Happy UN Mothers Day! ;-)
Emmy said…
Great post! And what a wonderful day. I want an un-Mother's day!

And love the story from the email you shared :)
Oh my that is so sweet... your note to your mom brought tears to my eyes!
Joy@TPMG said…
I love it! What a great post. A day where we didn't have to do it all and it did itself-a perfect day. What a nice picture of your moms. They look like good friends.
Joy@TPMG said…
By the way, Happy UN Mother's Day!
Kellie said…
That's a sweet post. What a loving daughter you are!
Tracie said…
Happy Mother's Day! I hope you don't have to do a thing!
Anonymous said…
Happy UNMother's Day!
Anonymous said…
I love the things you wrote about your mom and your other mom. They both sound amazing. Have a great mother's day!
The Drama Mama said…
THis was a fantastic post. I want an Un Mother's DAy too, but they have to hire a maid because I don't want to come home to the mess. Haha.
KK said…
Happy Mother's Day!
Holly Lefevre said…
Great idea...let's start a petition...a movement...anything.

I love that story...my hubby needs to red it.

Happy Mothers Day my friend!
Nicole said…
awww that is a beautiful tribute to your moms:) I think having an unmothers day is a great idea!!! Maybe one day I'll be able to have one:) (hopefully!) I hope you had a wonderful UnMothers Day!

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