Oh no they are bothering you now too! I have had the same girl come again and and again. Finally last time I told them I did read some of their book they left me and if it anything it strengthened my own belief in my religion. And yesterday two different ones came! I guess they really want to save me, though only 144,000 of them are going to be saved, according to their own beliefs.
The last time the Jehovah's Witnesses stopped by my place they had 2 of the CUTEST little kids with them. I couldn't argue with the brilliance of that idea, but it made me think there were really only 143,998 slots open for my chances to get to heaven.
lol tests are totally a mirror of how the teachers are teaching! I totally agree. I can't believe I missed your post before, I commented even though a little late! :)
Ugh the Jehovah's Witnesses! They stopped by just today, good times. What don't they understand about I already have a church and religion? My husband says I am just too nice to them because he watches them leave after our house and not go to all our neighbors. I'm about ready to move.
I hear you about the Jehovas Witnesses- I have J-dub's of all ages (8 years old to Elderly) come to my door daily- I have always been polite and taken their handouts and just said no thank you because I figure they're just doing what t hey believe, and I want people to be kind to our missionaries, but it's really starting to get irritating! N ot that they aren't nice...but I mean, Daily?
Anonymous said…
hi all http://www.tor.com/community/users/symdallsopo1983 http://www.tor.com/community/users/emmatsewhitt1980 http://www.tor.com/community/users/morlamenscont1973 http://www.tor.com/community/users/bircirebu1986 http://www.tor.com/community/users/conglistbelkrest1981
That is how the show was introduced on Halloween night. "Dead, from Hollywood, it's Dancing with the Stars!" with your host, Tom Boooo-geron! Oh and Brooke who didn't get a play on her name. Tonight, the dances are all spooktacularly themed. Plus there is also a team dance. David and Kym 1-800-868-3406 David and Kym are dancing The Cha Cha and David wants to add magic to the act, so they bring in a professional magician to help with some basic tricks. I enjoyed their Cha Cha. It was fun. Len said it had lots of tricks and treats and that David turned himself into a dancer! Bruno told him he has got the prestige, and that he was a natural at turning tricks. Carrie Ann said his improvement was phenomenal. She said he was polished and finessed, but that he needed to work on his holds. Scores: Carrie Ann: 8 Len: 8 Bruno: 8 Total: 24 JR and Karina 1-800-868-3410 JR and Karina are dancing the Tango to Ghostbusters...
I just wanted let you all know that I am taking a (short) leave of absence. I was feeling under the weather last Friday, and Saturday I was a lump. By Monday I felt almost normal again. Tuesday even better! By Wednesday night the whole left side of my face felt completely packed. Today(Thursday) I am at death's door. Or maybe it's at mine! All I know is, I haven't felt this crappy in a long time. I spent the day at my mom's and mostly slept. Thanks Mom. Now Rich is home and he is running the show. I shall return...as soon as I stop feeling like this.
Reality is...dishes and laundry do not do themselves. Reality is...cookies are magic. When you make them...they disappear. Reality is...getting older really sucks. Reality is...the older your kids get, the harder it is to get them out of bed. Reality is...the house doesn't clean itself either. Reality is...when the money comes in, it in turn goes out. Reality is...kids hear what they want to hear. Reality is...despite knowing that kids have selective hearing, we still tell them things as if they don't. Reality is sometimes hard to swallow. Reality sometimes is funny. Reality is part of life. But sometimes reality sucks, so we go to our happy place instead! Reality is...today I participated in Jenny Matlock's Alphabae-Thursday!!!
I have had the same girl come again and and again. Finally last time I told them I did read some of their book they left me and if it anything it strengthened my own belief in my religion. And yesterday two different ones came!
I guess they really want to save me, though only 144,000 of them are going to be saved, according to their own beliefs.
Good point on the testing!
Off to catch up and find out what the touchy subject is.