It's Getting Harder

It's getting harder as we draw nearer to the end of the season.  The competition is getting tougher and the celebs are getting better and better.  Who do you vote for?  At first, you vote for everyone because everyone should get a shot.  Usually after the first week you know who is going to go early on.  Sometimes people get stay for a while because of popularity.  But now it's getting harder, especially when out of no where the ones you are worried about or think should go away make an overnight transformation!

Maks and Erin were first with a Quick Step.  Maks wants to do a bit with him taking his pants off.  Erin is not happy.  At all.  They actually had a real fight this time.  Of course it all works out in the end, and Maks indeed takes his pants off to reveal another brighter pink salmon pair of pants.  Their dance was fabulous.  And Len absolutely loved the bit with the pants and the dance calling it Erin's best dance yet!!  Bruno and Carrie Ann commend her for beautiful lines and for paying attention to detail the entire time.  The only criticism they could come up with was she leaned too much on Maks' shoulders.  That's the difference between a trained professional and a viewing audience member.

Carrie Ann:  9
Len: 9
Bruno: 9
Total: 27

Cheryl & Chad.  The Dance:  Viennese Waltz.  This time Cheryl brings in Tony to help Chad.  Since Tony is no longer competing it's okay.  Chad says he's going to channel his "inner dancer."  Ummm....ooookkkkaaaaaayyyy.   Well whatever he did tonight, it worked because that was his best dance ever.  A complete 180 in my opinion.   What a nice birthday gift for Cheryl!  And that diamond studded heart necklace wasn't too bad either.  Everyone keeps asking if there is something going on between them.  They don't say anything.  I have always thought Cheryl was married.  I guess I was wrong.  Anywaltz,  Bruno was very impressed.  "I can't believe you can be so gentle and graceful."  He wants him to watch his hands and keep the fluidity throughout.  Carrie Ann said there is nothing sexier than a man being so graceful and gentle.  Will somebody hose her down? Len had this say, " Your arms were full of fluidity.  I won't say what these two are full of. But I will say,   May 3, 2010 was the night you became a contender!" 

Carrie Ann:  8
Len: 9
Bruno: 8
Wow!  Len got fed and a nap!
Total: 26

Nicole and Derek  The Waltz.  Derek wants to do a pure waltz.  Nicole is very stressed out and wants to make a good impression on Len.  Really she is her own worst critic.  And people are saying she shouldn't be on DWTS because she has dance experience.  Well I disagree with that, I think the more accurate term would be "stage" experience.  And yes she dances...hip hop.  Not Ballroom.  Carrie Ann told Nicole that she dances almost as Derek's equal.  This is not the first time I have heard this.  Derek is an amazing teacher.  Len loved the routine and the performance.  Bruno called it royalty.  Then he cautioned her that because her standards are set so high they stand out.

Carrie Ann:  9
Len: 9
Bruno: 9
Total: 27

Pamela Anderson/Damian White:  The Dance:  The Waltz.  I was not overly impressed with her dance this time.  There weren't any glaring mistakes, it wasn't sloppy; in fact it was danced nicely.  It just seemed like it was missing something.  Of course, Len and Bruno were smitten as usual by her.  Len pointed out that in this dance she can't show off her "assets" and that she needed to firm her upper body.  Carrie Ann scolded them and told them to focus.  Say what?  Weren't you just drooling oggling talking about Chad's assets abilities?  Just sayin'.

Carrie Ann: 8
Len: 8
Bruno: 8
Total: 24

Niecy and Louis:  The Dance:  Quick Step.  I had never seen Niecy so focused.  She wanted to get this dance right.  And she nailed it.  I was so happy for her.  Bruno told her that she never looked more gorgeous, that it was her best footwork ever, and her best dance.  Carrie Ann concurred.  And Len, still feeling the love, agreed but told her to lift her rib cage.  "I have a lot to lift!" she defended. 

Scores:Carrie Ann:  9
Len: 8
Bruno: 8
Total: 25

Evan and Anna:  The Dance:  Argentine Tango.  This should be good.  And it was. Spot on.  Of course I thought he was spot on last week, but the judges didn't like it. Tonight however was different.  Carrie Ann told him he was sexy and refined.  (There she goes again) And that he had the perfect combination of power and control.  Len said that Evan is nice on ice, but he had doubts that he was "good on wood"  (groan) He went onto say he was proved wrong. "That was fantastic!"  Bruno...I love Bruno!  Is there a Bruno fan club on facebook?  He said, "You danced like a true alpha-male!  Strong. Powerful. Aggressive. Sexy.  Everything a woman wants!"  It's better to HEAR and SEE him. 

Carrie Ann:  10
Len: 10
Bruno: 10
30 First perfect score of 30 in this season.  Nice.

Tonight is Team Dancing.  They are dancing the Cha Cha Cha.

Team Gaga:  Pamela/Damian Cheryl/Chad Derek/Nicole
Nicole hasn't danced the Cha-Cha-Cha yet.  I could have sworn she had.  Then I remembered it was the jive.  Totally different.  I digress.  Their dance routine is great with lots of difficulty.  Pamela had some slip ups.  One where her hair literally got in her eyes and she worked hard to cover it up.  There were other little slips from her, but otherwise a job well done by Team Gaga.

Carrie Ann:  9
Len: 9
Bruno: 9
27  Each couple will get these scores added to their own.

Team Madonna:  Louis/Neicey Erin and Maks and Evan and Anna

Evan has not done the cha cha either.  Again, it's not a problem.  Team Madonna's dance wasn't quite as technically difficult as Team Gaga's, but theirs was the cleaner performance.  Wellll...except Chad left his inner dancer in the dressing room.  Oh well. 

Carrie Ann:  8
Len: 8
Bruno: 8
Total: 24

I always hate results night.  I am sure they hate it more.  To be tortured all day and until that last minute of the show-literally--when they find out if they are going home.  In the bottom two was Maks & Erin and Pamela and Damian.  I don't want Erin to go.  I don't want Pamela to go.  It's just too hard.  But, (sigh) someone has to go.  And tonight it was Pamela.  You will be missed.  Take Carrie's advice and try Broadway!  I bet you would have a blast and that you would do well.
Photos from ABC's Official Site

Prediction Time:  I predict the final three to be:  Derek & Nicole, Evan & Anna, and Erin & Maks.  But what do I know?


Nicole said…
Wow Pamela Anderson just looks amazing for her age, I hope I look like her when I'm older lol. I want to watch this now!
Emmy said…
The team dances are always fun.. fun to watch them work together.
Tracie said…
I agree with your predictions but I freely admit that I don't know anything. Team Evan!
Christina Lee said…
Seriously, she should try Broadway!!!
Lene said…
I was surprised that Pamela is gone. I thought it would be Niecy. I really wonder if it had to do with her injury. Did you notice when it happened during the team dance? It looked like it really hurt.

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