P is for Pity Party

I have a waaaahbulance standing by just in case.  P is for PITY PARTY!  I am having one.  You all can join me if you want.  Misery loves company you know.  Really?  I guess so...I have "frownies" for comfort.  So why the Pity Party?  Well I am glad you asked.

A few weeks ago, we had to have our water heater replaced.  Not a big deal. We only had to pay for the service call.  Only a day and half without hot water.  Hot showers are awesome!  AnyPity....on with the Party.    The next thing to break was our furnace.  I discovered this when one cold morning I came downstairs to see my thermostat reading at 63*  Yeah 63 freaking degrees!  Where's my 70!?  I want warmth.  I am a cranky person when I am too cold.  I am also a cranky person when I am too hot.  Better keep me comfortable.  So, I call the home warranty people and they have a guy come out that same day.  He finds the problem.  The temperature gauge is not working.  It's this little tiny thingie jigger that looks like a plug with a small wire attached to it.  It tells the furnace to shut off when the temp is where it is supposed to be and/or if gets too hot.  He did some other poking around and he then ascertained that there must be a blockage somewhere in the ducting system.  Warranty people don't like the sound of this, as it will likely mean tearing into walls and costing money.  So they sent out a second opinion.

Opinion number two found a crack in the heat exchange of the furnace.  Bad.  Very bad.  This means it is leaking carbon monoxide.  Well, I like being here, so let's not have that.  He was shocked that the other guy missed it.  He then informed that he had to red flag it and he shut off the gas supply and unplugged the furnace.  Whoah!  Time out!  It's cold right now.  Not bone chilling cold, but cold none the less.  I guess that is what fireplaces are for.  He then told me something even more disturbing than carbon monoxide poisoning.  He told me that we would be paying for:  the vent pipe and electrical modifications, rack and filter, gas, flex and hard piping PLUS a state required duct test and permit to do perform said test.  The warranty covers up to $250 of the permit.  I likened it to you get a free car, but you have to pay for the motor and smog test.

I went two weeks without heat, which most of the time we had fare weather so it was okay.  We have two fireplaces and put them both to good use.  Now after all has been said and done, we are out $974.13.  Yeah.  A huge chunk of change.  This change was supposed to help pay for car maintenance and registration and smog testing.  Forget about going any place that costs money this summer.  Who cares if you need dental care.  And Christmas, well Christmas is a whole other animal I don't feel much like tackling!!!  I warned you it was a Pity Party!!!  Woes me!  Will someone please pass the BOOHOO?

Today's Post was brought to you by the letter P.  And by the number 974.13.  If you would like to play along, go visit Jenny Matlock for Alphabae-Thursday!


GardenOfDaisies said…
OH dear. Not a good day! Owning a home does mean a lot of maintenance. If it's not the furnace it's clogged drains, or peeling paint, or tree branches falling and breaking the fence, or termites, or..... :-)
Makes one seriously think about renting!
Viki said…
Oh how terrible. You have as much of a pity party as you want. I hope things start looking up for you soon.
Unknown said…
To add to the Pity Party, we have a hard time figuring how a REQUIRED test isn't covered by home warranty. It also was "explained" by a letter saying that the test we paid for wasn't required when the house was built, but now it is and we have to pay over $900 to get it done! Another "advantage" to living in California.
Shelley said…
Aww I'm so sorry! Isn't it insane how things like this seem to happen all at the same time?! Ugh! I'm finally coming out of my time in H E L L with things going wrong!Good luck!
Nicole said…
oh no!!!! i'm sorry, that is not fun! at least it happened in the warmer weather, that would've been rough to happen in snow and winter! We have to get all this work done on the lakehouse, its tiring and I know it will be worth it in the end, I just want it to be done now. blah, thats kinda how I'm feeling today. I'm your misery company:)
Kellie said…
*This is me passing you a box of tissues* That sucks...bad. All I can say is- this, too, shall pass.
Rachel said…
I'm so sorry! When we moved in to our new house we discovered we had dangerous levels of radon in our house and had to pay $1500 to get that fixed. So awesome isn't it?!

Don't we wish we could all just use money for what we wanted to! :)
Sorry you are not having a good day.... we all need a pity party sometimes!!
Bummer starts with a B!!!!

Sorry about all the crap.
See Mom Smile said…
I totally feel your pain!!! Right now I have not AC in my car or upstairs in my house. And it is now 90 degrees here in the desert. AND I don't have a working dishwasher. AND my daughter needs her wisdom teeth out. I think I will just knock her out with a hammer and do it myself.
laterg8r said…
oh my, so sorry to hear it! it's the unexpected things that kill ya!
Sista Laurel said…
I feel for ya girl, it's your party and you can cry if you want to. Had to chuckle at your too hot and too cold, it make me think of Goldie Locks...hope your temp is back to just right!
Tracy said…
Its unexpected events that throw us I feal for you
Emmy said…
So sorry :( Wish it could have been as easy quick fix.
jfb57 said…
Oh dear! Poor you! I do hope the next letter in Alphabe brings more luck!
Sheesh..when it rains it pours!
Jenny said…
How pitiful that preposterous charges had to wreck your precious day!

I am happy to come to the pity party for Alphabe-Thursday's letter "P" post. I shall bring some pretzels!


And sorry this had to happen to you!
My condolences on the suckiness of bills. Especially when they are not even bills for fun stuff.
Terra said…
I have been having a pitty party weekly for about a year. Actually 10 years. But I am working on fixing that and well...it is working. Did you ever watch that bad tv show Party of Five? I used to call it the pitty party of five. Your post reminded me. Best of luck turning your pitty into pretty!
Laura Lynn said…
Perfect timing - I'm feeling a little bummed myself. I wish I lived by you - I'd bring a tub of ice cream and we could party it up!
Sorry about the water heater - totally sucks.
Anonymous said…
I can't believe it costs so much.
Awww! I'm sorry! At least you had your fireplaces- we don't have one. We'd be screwed! (And I live in UTAH where it's freezing for half the year.)

BTW, Lourie- your wish is my command! I wrote a quick letter to Brandon's "boys". LOL.
KK said…
I'm sorry, that sucks and I'm stomping my feet for you.
Jo said…
wow, you are so lucky that you have two working fireplaces! that must have at least given you a bit of warmth and brought a little smile to your face!
Tracie said…
I would be having a pity party, too!
sarah said…
I'll join your pity party...I'm happy right around 70 too...not too hot not too cold.... I'm a miserable beyotch when I'm too hot!!
Christy said…
Pity party shmitty party, I would be having a full blown meltdown!
Holly Lefevre said…
Don't you love being a homeowner...oh the joy.

In the lats two years we have had both water heaters replaced (long story why we have two)...and I just had the honor of spending $1500 on a new sewer pipe...I love being a homeowner...ya know repair, lower home value than when I bought.
Steph said…
That is the pits. Unexpected household breakages and their demands on finances are no fun.

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