It's Friday!!
It is Friday. It is Friday. It is Friday. I am not saying this over and over because I am over joyed...well okay maybe I am a little. I am saying it over and over again, because I did my regular Friday grocery shopping yesterday. I wanted to beat the holiday rush. People are crazy at any holiday. Also my kids have an extra day because the teachers had to take a furlo day. So I am really messed up. Then I remembered it was Friday, which means it is time to confess.
I am not a patient person. People think I am so easy going and relaxed.
I am not. They don't live with me.
If they did they might not say that.
I am very easy going and patient.
As long as every thing is going exactly how I imagine it should.
When it doesn't, which is 99.999999% of the time, I getvery a little cranky irritated.
Actually, all of the above is completely fabricated. I am actually perfect in every way. I just act flawed so people will not feel bad about themselves.
What are your deep dark secrets?
I am not a patient person. People think I am so easy going and relaxed.
I am not. They don't live with me.
If they did they might not say that.
I am very easy going and patient.
As long as every thing is going exactly how I imagine it should.
When it doesn't, which is 99.999999% of the time, I get
Actually, all of the above is completely fabricated. I am actually perfect in every way. I just act flawed so people will not feel bad about themselves.
What are your deep dark secrets?

Love it, love you, thanks for playing!
Whatcha waitin' for? Go look :)
Also, Lourie I think my favorite day to grocery shop is Friday and I'm with you on the not liking crowds my sil calls going to Costco on a Saturday, it's like swimming upstream.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Glad to know you are as perfect as I imagined