What If...

A couple of weeks ago, I posted on Friday about me having some "issues"  Mostly I talked about silly quirks I have.  But one of the comments I got, struck a chord with me, that I have often wrestled with.  It was a comment from my friend, Holly.  She said, " Everything about me is a quirk...I think I used to be more normal...but I am pretty sure it was an act...now I am older and I don't care...I am who I am."  I love this statement.  Isn't it wonderful?  I am who I am! 

Yesterday, in church we talking about virtue and how it is diminishing.  One sister spoke up and said that when she was in middle school and high school, her mother would tell her to say hi to people from school even if she didn't know them.  Her mother's reason was, "You don't know her, but maybe she knows you."  She didn't want to because she would feel "weird."  She went on to say, that after high school she saw someone from school who she recognized, but didn't know.  She said hi to her.  The girls response was, "I remember you, but you never said hi to me."  Now as an adult, this sister says hi to everyone.  She said she is okay with being "weird."  My question is, what if we could have been more sure of who we were back then.  How would have school been different?   Think about it, not caring what others think when you are 12 and unsure of things.  Wouldn't that be great?

 I mean really, what is normal anyway?  And isn't more fun being "weird?"



mormonhermitmom said…
Absolutely more fun to be weird!
Great post!! I love being the weird one!!
Laura said…
Love this and it's SO true!! It's so hard to be a kid sometimes, but it would have been nice to know some of the stuff I know now!
Kristin said…
Stopping by from SITS...

You are totally right. I wish I would have been able to tell my self conscious high school self!

silfert said…
Weird is awesome.
sarah said…
Weird is awesome! I'm not normal if I'm not weird...does that make any sense at all? weird.
Vee said…
Normal is boring.
Jayde said…
I have been wierd my whole life and never really had a problem with that. I am now and have always been somewhat of an introvert, but my job requires me to talk to people regularly, so I have learned to come out of my shell on occasion. Great post, stopping by from SITS.
Emmy said…
That picture is perfect with your post. And you are right.. normal isn't fun at all.
And I do wish I knew in high school what I knew now, things would have been a lot different :)
Anonymous said…
Isn't is crazy that it is considered weird to acknowledge someone you may or may not know. I call it kindness. But I guess I'm just a weirdo too. I love our club!
KK said…
God made me special!
Christina Lee said…
THIS is GREAT!!!!!!!! ya know, I could smile and say hello more too!!
Holly Lefevre said…
That Holly girl is brilliant!

I would only go back to high school if I could live it knowing what I know now.

When someone tells my son he is weird (and yes this is another parent of the year moment) I tell him to not worry about it...the weird ones end up successful and those meanies are going to be working for you one day.
Shelley said…
I always used to tell my dad he was weird...like all the time. Eventually I stopped because he was just soooo okay with it! lol! He didn't care in the least which now I realize is totally cool of him. Weird is okay!

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