Proud Mommy Moments--Proof

I have been doing a lot of bragging about my kids lately, but this time I have photographic proof!

After our shopping trip on Saturday, Kristin told me she wanted chocolate chip cookies.  I told her she could make them.  I was totally serious too.  Emily asked me what was for dinner.  I told her I didn't know.  She named a few things that I promptly turned down.  And then she landed on spaghetti.  And I said, that is easy, and she could make it!  Who am I???  Who cares!  I like her.

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App

I helped them a little here and there, but they did most the work.  The spaghetti was good and the cookies were yummy!!!  Yep, I was proud!


Liz Mays said…
Heck yeah, I'm all for someone else doing the work!
Rebecca said…
awesome look at them go
Emmy said…
So awesome! And yes they should and can totally help out-- good for them to know how to cook so they don't strave when it college.

Awesome pMM, thanks for linking up
Nicole said…
Yey, teach them early! That's the best way!!!
Kmama said…
That is so awesome!! I never wanted to cook growing up, but all three of my brothers were cooks in restaurants, so they did the cooking. My hubby does the cooking now, because I still don't like to cook. My mom always wonders what she did wrong when it came to me. ;-)

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