Twelve Years Ago...

I remember my then Relief Society President asking me when to schedule the baby shower.  It was my second baby.  I honestly didn't expect one.  She asked if June 28th would be too close to my due date.  I shrugged and said that it would be fine.  I went all the way to my due date with Kristin, so it should be fine.  So that was the day we both agreed on.

June 27th, 2000, I went to book club and discussed the book of the month.  I really don't remember the book.  I remember having some hearty Braxton Hicks contractions, but nothing that would send me flying to the hospital, though that was joked about.  "No," I assured them.  "It's just practice."  I went home later, tired and not wanting to do those dishes that waited for me.  Stupid dishes.  I did them.  And went to bed.  I was awaken more than once by very real and hearty contractions.  The kind that make you stop and hold your breath.  Then somewhere around 2 or 3 in the morning it happened my water broke.  Emily was coming today, instead of in 4 weeks.  She needed to be born.  Her cord was wrapped around her neck twice.  She wasn't breathing.  Her little purple body was limp against mine.  They quickly scooped her up, and began their work.  It was quiet and calm.  Nothing like ER(then still on the air) where the docs shout out orders, and the nurses are grabbing this and that.  It was more like a pleasant conversation.  It felt like forever.  Why wasn't she crying?  And then I heard her.  She fussed. And fussed more.  And then I saw her.  She was pink and lovely.  Sticking her little tongue out to taste the air around her.

Emily 5pounds 12 ounces

She is quiet, but fierce.
She is also silly and fun
She loves the beauty that is all around her
I can't believe it was 12 years ago that she came into our lives.  Happy Birthday Miss Em!  We love you!


Liz Mays said…
She's a sweet one, your Emily. Happy Birthday to her!
Emmy said…
Oh that would be so scary at first! She must have been doing some major summersaults inside. Hope she has a wonderful birthday!
Rachel said…
So glad she made it here safely! What a doll! Happy birthday to Emily.
mormonhermitmom said…
She's a fighter!
And you did the dishes beforehand! You over achiever you!
Rebecca said…
Happy Birthday emily
Macey said…
Oh how scary!
She's beautiful, friend, and I hope she has a lovely day.
Nicole said…
How scary but she's here now momma and she's beautiful!!
Amy said…
even in birth, babies have their own personalities. what a lovely birthday post! and even more so, what a lucky momma you are to have such a sweet daughter.
Becca said…
What a scary birth story. Happy Birthday Emily!

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