My Life is a Lifetime Movie

I don't need to watch Lifetime movies, because my life is one.  I had a bad week  last week.  It was one drama after another.  And each one is on going.

Where do I begin?  How about with my neighbors.  Neighbors who seem to have nothing better do with their time but to put me on their personal watch.
It has caused some major drama for me.  And I am not sure it is over.  All I can say right now is, if your life is so boring, read a dang book and leave me and my family the #$&* alone.  If I was Samantha Stephens you would be a turd in the yard.

My sister had an angiogram on Tuesday.  Luckily she did not require a stint.  She did however, develop a clot in the artery they used to go into.  She is fine now, but was told not lift anything heavier than a milk jug.

My niece is her own movie as well.  And since this is my blog and not hers, I will leave her story out.  It was a crap week.  I am trying to be the better person.  I even let my son play with the neighbor's kids.  And when I went to make small chat, it felt like the neighbor was pumping me for information.  Like I said, read a book already.  It must be nice to have a such a dull life!  I wouldn't know though, because as I said, I am a Lifetime Movie!

I am linking up with Shell today, and her Pour Your Heart Out!


Emmy said…
Yes your neighbors really really need to mind their own buisness still makes me so mad. Glad your sister didn't need a stint but not fun about the clot. Here is hoping for some calm for you
Shell said…
Lifetime movies are fun to watch, but not to live out. I hope this week is better for you!
Macey said…
Oh sheesh. Lifetime movies are not what I want my life to be if they have to be a movie!
Rebecca said…
i dislike nosy neighbors
Liz Mays said…
I feel for you with your neighbors. I hope they move away!
mormonhermitmom said…
Wow. So far our neighbors keep to themselves. You'd think we all thought the others had plague.
Robbie K said…
Nosy neighbors can be creepy. hope this is a better week for you.
Nicole said…
Don't you just love nosy people! NOT!

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