2011 Review Extravaganza October-December!

It's the final wrap for the 2011 Review Extravaganza!  Hosted by yours truly,  EmmyMom, Emilisq, Impulsive Addict, Janette of Johanson Journey, Mimi Living in France , and Runner Mom.  Be sure to snag that button and mention each of us when you link your post.

And now....


It was Ryan's birthday, but we also had a TRIPLE BIRTHDAY BASH!
I was featured on Shell's Blog for her Things They Can't Say!  It was definitely a SQEEEE kind of moment!

Kristin was in The Hobbit at school...
She was an Elf
Halloween, where my kids totally got into character and scored big time in the candy dept!


We had some proud academic moments for the kids in November.  Plus, Kristin had also scored a 3.0 for the semester!  Which we found out AFTER this particular post been written.

Thanksgiving of course came along...and I named my big juicy bird...
Bubba!  He was as good as he looks!  


 I talked about "The Signs of Weak Mind"  I also got very busy.... like most of us did.  And I got sick too.  Like most of us did.
That night, I literally almost cried myself to sleep.  Happily I am well again!

 And more importantly, I was healthy in time for Christmas!  And after all the presents were unwrapped, I shared how I got my craft on. 

And that was our year in review!  I can hardly wait to see what you all have to say!


Nicole said…
I guess I missed out on you naming you bird. That's hilarious!
Connie said…
What great costumes!!
Mrs. Match said…
lucky girl getting cast as an elf! I would have been a hobbit because I'm small and hairy. Lol!
CB said…
Funny that you named your Turkey - We name ours after my husband - LOL!!

Love reading about your year!

I'm going to have to join in next year.
How fun that your daughter was in The Hobbit! I would have loved to do something like that in school...of course, it wasn't so well known back then. And yay for being healthy again by Christmas!! Being sick during the holidays just sucks.
Em said…
I was SOOO thanking my lucky stars we were all healthy for Christmas!
Emmy said…
Oh that sick picture is still so sad. And it was so fun seeing Kristin in The Hobbit. You did have a pretty turkey.

Thanks so much for hosting with me again.
Liberty said…
Glad you are feeling better! Your kids are beautiful.
Congratulations to your daughter on her great semester!!! And Bubba looks delicious! I haven't made a really great turkey in about 4 years!
Nicole said…
Happy New Year Lourie to you and your family!! Sending you so much happiness and good wishes for 2012!!! ps LOVE your turkey!! oh my goodness that must've been so yummy!
Stacie said…
Jealous! I have no clue how to cook a bird like that. Bubba looks good! Happy New Year!
Mom of 12 said…
That turkey looks amazing!
I love their costumes and I'm glad you're feeling well again. Being sick (especially during the holidays) is no fun.

Sorry I'm just now making my rounds. The in laws are still in town making blogging IMPOSSIBLE!
Lori said…
looks like a good end to the year. those were cool costumes

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