Social Networking is Like Jump Rope

Do you ever come up with an awesome blog in the shower and by the time you can write it down, you have totally forgotten what it was in the first place?  Yeah, this wasn't one of those times.  Although that has happened!  How about driving down the street and suddenly you are hit with a stroke of genius, and yet by the time you get home and are able to write about it you are actually reading other blogs thinking, "Man I wish I could write something clever like that!"  Yeah...that didn't happen this time either.  But it has.  Totally.

No, this was one of those thoughts that hit you right before you go to sleep at night, so they border on strange and reach for genius.  And the more tired you are the further the reach.  Well this was Monday night and I was exhausted so the reach was miles from my grasp, and strange was right at my feet.  That is when it hit me.  Social networking is a lot jump rope.  Sure it is....especially at midnight.

Let's start with Facebook.  Facebook is like your basic jump rope game.
The rules are pretty simple.  You get your friends to play along.  You can play a variety of games.  You can even go and visit a friend and play jump rope there.  You can play alone.  It's pretty tried and true.

Twitter...which always makes me think of "Twitterpated" from Bambi.  I digress.  Twitter is like Double Dutch.
This social network takes timing and precision.  You have to jump in at just the right moment.  And there is trending, and retweets, and mentions.  I used to be very good at double dutch.  So maybe I can master Twitter one day.  For now, I am standing on the outside looking for that golden opportunity to dive in.

I only picked three...the last is Google+.   I haven't heard a whole lot about it and what I have heard hasn't been real great.  I have an account, but I don't use it.  Which brings me to Chinese jump rope.
How many of you remember this?  Or know what it is even?  Do you know how to play it?  I kind of remember.  I remember using chairs to practice.  Who needs people to hold that in place?  Who is using Google+?  Anyone?  My point exactly.  It's there.  People may or may not be using it, and we are not sure why. 

And that my friends, is what genius looks like in the middle of the night.  What genius have you come up with?


Emmy said…
Oh that is genius! And great analogy. I really vaguely remember Chinese jump rope- but yea haven't heard much good about google+
Amy said…
I gotta be honest, I love google+. It has replaced Skype for family conference calls. the hangouts are awesome. However, that is all I use it for. But then again, I don't facebook or twitter either, so I am not really one of an authority. However, I do like your analogy. You certainly make me laugh.
Liz Mays said…
At first there was a big rush to get into Google+, and it was exciting. Since then I keep getting added to circles of people whose names I can't even pronounce and so it's all kinda scared me off of it.
VandyJ said…
Like Chinese jump rope, I know next to nothing about Google+.
And I don't twitter, but then I never mastered double dutch jump rope either.
I do OK with Facebook. Rather like I did OK with regular jump rope.
Christina Lee said…
AHHH --this is a GREAT comaprison!!! xoxo
Cheeseboy said…
Hate Google+. It's not worth checking and it's not different enough from FB to make it catch on.

I like FB, but it gets a bad wrap on Twitter. Everyone makes fun of it, often for good reason.

Twitter is the most fun. I like making new friends with people I did not know, which is not really possible on FB.

I liked this post. A good one to come back to.
I never could do double dutch. No wonder twitter is so complicated for me! I'll stay away from Google+. I always think I have these great ideas, then I start writing and just can't make it work.

Though your post--genuis!
Nicole said…
Never heard of Chinese Jump Rope...
Unknown said…
I love that Chinese jump rope with elastic rope , I was pretty good ,I could go up to the neck , mom taught us double Dutch jump rope,and Jack's, string games and paddy cake game say say o'l playmate , London bridges, kids just don't play those inexpensive recess playground games ... I'm teaching my grandaughtersister some and they went to school and they were a hit..parents just don't get involved in showing them any more ... it's up to the parents to pass it on ..even like more lawns and saving money .... thanks for reminding me of this childhood memories
Unknown said…
I love that Chinese jump rope with elastic rope , I was pretty good ,I could go up to the neck , mom taught us double Dutch jump rope,and Jack's, string games and paddy cake game say say o'l playmate , London bridges, kids just don't play those inexpensive recess playground games ... I'm teaching my grandaughtersister some and they went to school and they were a hit..parents just don't get involved in showing them any more ... it's up to the parents to pass it on ..even like more lawns and saving money .... thanks for reminding me of this childhood memories

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