Confessions--One of Those Days

I am a whiny cry baby.  I don't like it when things go wrong.  I try to keep a positive attitude, but that is not easy when nothing goes your way and everything goes bad!  My morning was filled with drama.  I had to fight with Verizon(FIOS) about my bill.  I had to deal my electric bill.  I hit my head while I was unloading my groceries.  It was not a good day.  Then...

A power failure that went from Tijuana to southern Orange County and even parts of Arizona left me feeling grateful that I had power and realizing my day wasn't so bad after all.  Some are still without power.  It's been over 100. Some places as high as 117.  

I was en route to some where...who knows where...I am always on the go.  Aren't we all???  It was in the peak of the heat of the day.  I saw a van pulled over.  Hazards on.  Oh dear.  No she wasn't in trouble that way.  She had a sick kid.  She was busy cleaning up her van and he was busy being sick.  Not a good moment for her either.  We all have crappy moments.  

I confess...

I have hearing issues.  They are minor; age appropriate.  I had to go to a Parents meeting for choir.  Very informative.  I sat on the front row to make sure I would hear things.  It wouldn't have been a problem.  The teacher spoke clear and his voice carried well. Problem:  the gal sitting next to me kept asking ME questions like I was the go to gal.  I could only hear about 15% of what she was saying.  She had a mousy voice.  No matter how much I strained.  I simply couldn't hear her.  I am too polite to say:  Can't hear you, lady.  And even more...I could have said, "Ask him!" 

I  confess...

I am a whiny cry baby and when things don't go my way I am not a happy camper.  At all.

What about you?  What do you do when things go wrong?

I am participating in Mamarazzi's Friday Confessions!



Unknown said…
I hurt my foot taking the kids to the bus stop this morning. Not a good way to start your day. I feel for ya!
mormonhermitmom said…
That picture is perfect. Oh when things go bad I start imagining how they can get worse and worse. And then when things work out, I'm going "Why do I do that?"
Emmy said…
Oh I hate when people talk to me when I am trying to listen to some sort of presentation-- I just can't concentrate on either then.

And you are entitled to whine after the day you had yesterday.
Amy said…
Bad days are the pits. I have had a bad week, and things are not looking like they are improving much. Sigh. But it is important to be possitive. I can't believe that power failure. That is incredible! What caused it?
Sick kids in vans are not fun. At. All. Trying to hear a presentation while someone is talking to you is almost as bad as a sick kid in a car!
Linda Medrano said…
I've actually had bad years. But today, things are looking up! I'm sorry you had a run of not so good stuff, but look at the bright side. You are still very pretty. So what else could really matter?
KK said…
You're allowed!
Nicole said…
awww I'm sorry you've had a rough day!! I hate it when things go wrong too, especially when you're feeling good and then something has to go "off" from what you want, when those things happen its difficult to stay positive. I'm working on it with this house stuff, but I'm learning to be grateful because everything happens when its supposed to happen and for some reason, maybe you were driving by the woman with the sick child, and weren't looking the other way at the moment, just to show you to be grateful for your day! And if she knew that she made your day alittle brighter with compassion, she would feel better about her situation!

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