Proud Mommy Moments--Am I Blue?

In Ryan's class the kids each have a behavior chart with colors.  The cooler colors mean good behaviors.  Green is where each child starts.  The warmer colors are the trouble areas.  Yellow is a warning, orange means you had to sit out and red means you had to go to the office and see the principle.  Red is the only color you can't move back from.  Most days Ryan is green.  Sometimes his color is yellow because he gets too excited in his play and he is very "hands on."  He tries very hard each day.  He wants to be purple as this is the top of chart of good behavior.  I am happy for each day he is green.  The boy just can't sit still.

Yesterday he was blue. Not only did he make it to blue, he was also the line leader and teacher's helper.  His teacher said he had an awesome day.  He kept his hands to himself and followed directions. 

What is your Proud Mommy Moment?  Link up with Emmy and KMama.


Emmy said…
Yea!! Good job Ryan. That really is a PMM! Thanks for linking up
Nicole said…
How awesome for him! I always hated the sticker charts... LOL :)
Oka said…
My elementary kids only have three colors...I find it frustrating that my daughters teacher is too nice to use it effectively.
Oka said…
I meant to add great job Ryan.
Oka said…
I meant to add great job Ryan.
Amy said…
The color cards are such a great behavior tool! So glad he had a great day :-)

came for a visit from Emmy Mom
Rachel said…
When kids are behaving, I always say Yay!
Linda Medrano said…
Bless his heart! Ryan is a good boy!
Amy said…
How wonderful! Good for him! I love that there is a visual of how the children are doing. And how great that he is getting closer to purple!
asdfasdfasdf said…
he sounds like a great kid! i remember having color charts like that when i was a kid, i was always good too (too afraid of getting a "warmer" color haha)
Anonymous said…
Hoorary! Hooray! I am so proud of him!
Kmama said…
That's awesome! I like the idea that they start on green and can move up and down. Buddy's school has green (best) yellow, and red (worst).

Sounds like Ryan is doing an excellent job!!

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