Please Tell Me...


I confess...

I miss Fall.  I love all the beautiful lush colors.  The weather.  I envy those who get to have it.  However...I do not miss having to pack away my summer clothes.  I do not miss the extreme cold.  I do not miss snow.  At all.  I can drive about an hour north of my home and take my kids to the snow for  a day and then come home to warmer temps and dry roads.  Oh and I have a tree in my yard that gives me fall.
I confess...

I can not stick to a grocery or Wal-Mart list.  I do stick to the grocery list better than the Wal-Mart list.  Unless I am hungry.  Then it is simply a lost cause.  And I always forget at least three or four things.  I find that super frustrating.
I confess...

I saw a lady at the grocery store yesterday and she was still wearing her visitor's sticker from her child's school.  I told her that it was there, thinking I was being the being the good Samaritan and she acted a bit offended and then said maybe people will think she works there.  Umm okay.  But if ever you see ME with the visitor sticker on MY chest please tell me so I can take it OFF!  And likewise, tell me if I have lipstick on my teeth, k?

I confess...

I am very disorganized.  I know there are lots of sites out there to help.  But not only am I disorganized...I am also a huge procrastinator.

What do you have to confess of?   Link up with Mamarazzi and lift your burdens. 


VandyJ said…
I can't go to the store without a list because I buy stuff we don't need cause it looks yummy and forget the stuff we do need. I'm pretty good and getting the stuff on the list.
Nicole said…
I could do without the snow on the roadways :)
Emmy said…
Yes, I do miss a true fall but do not miss the winter that follows. That is weird how that lady reacted, I would want someone to tell me. I have so many things I should be doing but here I sit
Macey said…
I love fall. It's my favorite season. :)
Unknown said…
I'm so like your last confession. But I would add lazy. lol! I just don't want to do anything.
Mamarazzi said…
i cannot wait for the leaves to change, Fall is my favorite season!!

thanks for linking up!! sorry i am sooo slow getting here, life keeps getting in the way!

OH, i also wanted to let you know that the My Happy List link party is moving to Tuesdays starting October 11, i would LOVE for you to play!
I have the same Walmart troubles. I always buy things not on my lists AND generally forget at least one thing I need!

I'm also a disorganized procrastinator. :)
Nicole said…
You are super super lucky you get beautiful weather all year long! its like being in Hawaii but on the mainland! I do love fall here, with all the pretty colors and the sweater weather but I'm getting nervous about how cold its already getting here! and its just october! I am convinced that there are some very smart people who work at grocery stores, walmart and target and strategically place items as soon as you walk in that make you forget about what you went in there for:)
Liz Mays said…
Your colorful tree is gorgeous! We just have coastal pines around here, and I miss all the color too!

I always feel bad when people don't tell others when there's something on them. I'm like you. Please tell me!!! It's awkward in the moment you're telling the person, but it saves them sooooo much embarrassment down the road!

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