We Want to Know...

I am participating in the weekly meme hosted by Mamarazzi and Alicia aka Queso.  This week the questions are provided by Queso.  And they are some juicy ones.  Are you ready?
1.  Who would call if you had to get bailed out of jail?  Well, I would hope it would never come to that!  But I would probably call my SIL since she has money and would help me hide the body hire a good attorney for me.
2.  If you were a SuperHero what would your name be?  Probably indecisive girl or something like that.  Right?  My family would say Super Mom.  But since I already hold that title there is no fun in taking it. 
3.  What do you think is one of your best qualities?  Not taking sides.  It could be because I don't like to rock the boat--which I do not, but I want to know both sides before making any judgments.  I once declared "Switzerland" but instead it came out "Sweedish"  Oh well.  You get it, right?
4.  What song would you pick to be your own personal theme song?  Oh that's easy!
That one and....
Cause yeah...I need at least two!!!  (Just substitute the beer reference with ice cream! haha)
5.  What celebrity do you think is most overrated?  Justin Beiber!  I am sorry but that kid rubs me the wrong way.  I don't know what it is.  Maybe it is his inflated ego.     

Now it's your turn!  We want to know!


VandyJ said…
I don't know much about Bieber--I avoid all references to him and I don't have tween girls around to remind me.
Emmy said…
Love your song choices- too funny. And yes Beiber drives me crazy too!!
Liz Mays said…
You're a peacekeeper with your indecision and desire to stay neutral. Cool!
Macey said…
Oh man! I forgot about redneck woman!!! I need that one to be mine.
Unknown said…
Bieber, I forgot about him. Agreed, totally!
mormonhermitmom said…
My g.a.d's busted. that is hilarious.
Robin said…
I like that... my giva damn busted! Funny!
Venassa said…
I love your personal theme songs. Redneck Woman is a great song. I also agree on the Justin Bieber one. I just don't see what the excitment is about.
Alicia said…
sweedish! lol. i'm gonna have to say that next time there's a disagreement about anything in my house! and i'm so with you on justin beiber... too much ego for such a little kid!
Laura Lynn said…
Love the song choices!
Nicole said…
lol I think I'd call my sister too! They can just do what others can't:) I love that redneck song, its a great one! totally agree with you about beiber, I don't know what the big deal is, I don't think he has that much talent really! I think everybody likes him because of his hair...which I don't really get either lol:)
Nicole said…
indecisive girl... LOL that's so me!

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