Did You Ever Forget...

Did you ever forget where you put your keys?  All.The.Time.

Did you ever forget an appointment?  Yep

Did you ever forget to eat?  Who does this?  Can you tell me how this happens?

Did you ever forget to set your alarm?  Many times!

Did you ever forget to buy things at the store and have to go back?  More than once in the same week.  Especially around the holidays.

Did you ever forget to turn on the dryer?  Oh man I hate that one!

Do you ever forget someone's name?  Too many times.

Did ever forget to blog?  I almost did!

What things have you forgotten? 


Rachel Sue said…
Yes. To pretty much all of it. All. The. Time.
mormonhermitmom said…
I've forgotten all of those things, except eating.

Now there have been plenty of times when I've skipped a meal (not often) because there was something going on that I didn't have time to stop and grab a bite, but like I said, it's a blue moon when that happens.
Christina Lee said…
hahahaha! "Did you ever forget to buy things at the store and have to go back?" --> happens weekly and drives me BATTY!
Emmy said…
I have forgotten to eat... Just get busy doing things and suddenly realize I am starving.
Nicole said…
I spent about 20 minutes yesterday looking for my car keys. I know that feeling all to well.
Unknown said…
I forget what I was going to do all the time. And I forget to eat. I get so busy with kids or blogging, that I forget I need to eat too. I'm really bad at not eating.
Shell said…
I forget all this stuff- except to eat. I have to eat.
elzimmy said…
I've forgotten all of these too. At least we know we're not alone.
Liz Mays said…
When I have to collect several documents to take somewhere (like when changing car registrations), I always get all the way there and then realize I left one of them sitting on the counter at home. That ticks me off so much, but I do it all the time!!!!

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