Sometimes I Just Don't

It must be Friday.  It must be Friday, because I feel the need to confess.  If you need want to confess you can go and visit Mamarazzi....Glamazon that lucky girl is going on vacation. 

I confess...

  • Sometimes I just don't want to be the mom.  The go to gal.  The answer lady. Sometimes I just want to be left alone in my own little corner.
  • Sometimes I just want to go on strike.  
  • I am not a fan of teenage crisis and angst.
  • I am not a fan of petty arguing between siblings
  • I left my dishes in the sink last night
  • But in my defense I was on the go  I would list it out but I would probably get too tired and trail off to sleep.
  • I will say when I finally got home and was able to sit.  That is all I did.  I sat like a lump for the rest of the night. 
  • I am beyond thrilled that this is the last day of school before Spring break.  Is it because I get my kids to myself 24/7?  That joy might last a couple of hours a day or two.  No, it's because there is no homework, there is sleeping in and no morning rush.  See.  It's all about me.
  • Even the teachers are ready for Spring break....whooops...that's not my confession.
  • Our first week of break proves to be a very busy one.  
  • First.  As in we get more than one.  
  • They get two weeks and one day.  I usually got one week.  
  • My confession two weeks from now might be totally different about Spring break vs. school.
What is weighing heavy on your mind?  Link up and play!



VandyJ said…
The kids here get a week. In early March, to match the university in town. When I was a kid that school district I was in cut down on spring break--we got tow day one week, the weekend and two days the next week. So six days total for "spring break". Fun times.
Macey said…
I'm still weirded out about 2 weeks for Spring Break...I mean, when do you get out for summer??
mormonhermitmom said…
We have one more week to go and then we have a week off.
Amber said…
Two week spring break...I'm jealous!

I hope you enjoy it.

I find dishes make it into an awful lot of confessions....haha

Have a great weekend!
Aubree said…
i wish i had 2 weeks! that would be awesome. hope you guys have a great time!
Cheeseboy said…
I'll admit, I am SO, SO ready for spring break. It comes way too late this year.

Yeah, I saw Glam was going to the D-Land. Much better weather, I'm sure.
Nicole said…
wow 2 week spring break and ya'lls spring break is late!
Emmy said…
Amen to this post! I could have pretty much written the same post, except my 4 year old (who thinks she is 16 drama) and I did do the dishes :)
Melissa said…
Oh, i loved this! I agree with it all. And I leave my dishes in the sink a lot. And i think, hey, at least they are in the sink and not on the table, right?

Can't wait to meet up with you!

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