One of Those Days

Did you ever just have one of those days?  You know the kind, the sun is shining, the birds are singing and you get out of bed and trip?  Yeah, that is the kind of day I am talking about.  Yesterday was a holiday.  No school.  The only redeeming quality about this is being able to sleep in.  After the day I had, sleeping in is entirely over rated. 

Let's a play a little Status Quote here.  This time with my own status updates:

1. "I am being lazy.  I need a dose of ambition though."  I was given a radioactive dose of ambition from a friend.  I still feel shiny.  It must have worked, because I finally took a shower, got dressed, and started a load of laundry.  Of course by now it was 11:30. 

I already promised a trip to the mall to the teen.  Hey her babysitting money was burning a hole in her pocket.  I had designs on making sugar cookies.  I even bought cookie cutters.  I really am not fond of the mall.  IDEA!  She can call a friend and go with her, while I run to Target and take the other two to the duck pond!   I am so good I scare myself.  Hmmm...maybe that radio active stuff was working after all.  That or the second diet coke kicked in.    After a trying lunch "break" we went were headed out for the first stop...the duck pond.  (I will post pictures of this tomorrow)  It was a bit chilly for us CA types.  50 degrees with a cool breeze.  The ducks were not real hungry, but that didn't stop the kids from tossing bread.  After the bread was gone, they went to the hill to roll down.  As Emily slowly made her way down, a random child jumped over her.  Yes.  Jumped over her. 

Next was Target.  I bought a baby gift for my daughter's drama teacher plus a couple of other things I needed.  And because the flesh is weak, a little toy for Ryan and Emily.  Now this seems okay so far right?  But every thirty seconds it's "Mama, Mama, Mom, Mom'"  followed by, "No!  Don't!  Stop touching me!" Yeah that's always fun.  And I was THAT mom.  You know the one.  "Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom,...."  'WHAT!?"  Yeah.

Then as much as I wanted to go home, a promise is a promise.  So off to the mall.  It was crazy busy like at Christmas time.  I just wanted to go home.  More than once Ryan said, "Can we just go home?"  Not because he was bored, but because it was too crowded and he doesn't do well with crowds.  We got snagged by one of those kiosk people.  For flat irons and curling irons.  Yeah thanks, but I don't want your $129 flat iron.

Home...beautiful wonderful sweet and messy home!  Who cares!  I am home and I am done....

Post #2:  That super cranky woman at Target...yeah that was me. If you were at the mall and saw her there too, yeah it was me again. Aren't you glad I came home? :D

I took a nap.  Naps.  How love thee....unless you curse me with a headache when I wake up.  Plus my sister wanted a ride to Urgent Care for dizziness and a headache--she is fine-- so I figured dinner is a wash and my mom is sick so she needs dinner too.  I am so smart, I will buy dinner!!!  Stupid Carl's messed up the order.  I had to drive back while eating with Kristin because they forgot her sandwich.  I just stayed at the restaurant with Kristin since it was closer to Urgent Care than home--had to pick up the sis.  

Home at last.  Get the boy to bed.  Emily has a melt down, I need her to be in bed. Finally get her off to bed.  And I post this....

Post #3 Whew what a wild and crazy day. I am glad to be home and all done with it.

The one good thing I got out of this was discovering a little resale shop next to the UC.  I bought a beautiful dress for Emily that is almost like new for $10.  I saw other amazing deals in there, and will likely go back.  On another day.  Sans kids!!

What was your day like?


Emmy said…
Not as crazy as yours, glad we stayed home :)
Macey said…
UGH!!! What a crap way to start a week!
And I guess at least the child jumped OVER her and not ON her right? IDK.
Just as stressful but on different levels I need a mental break before I SNAP!!! thankfully in my neck of the woods it is close to nap time!!!!

Sorry you had a rough day gal!
VandyJ said…
I spent the day with my mom. I love her dearly, but she also makes me crazy. My day was not as nuts as yours but it had it's moments.
Nicole said…
must be nice to have holidays like that off... I came to work :) and dealt with grumpy people!
Cheeseboy said…
Quite an eventful day. I hate shopping in crowds too. My wife hates shopping period. And yeah, the headache naps are the worst.
Anonymous said…
I did laundry ALL DAY yesterday. I had to wash all the blankets and sheets from the sleepover plus the regular stuff, too. Ugh.
Amy said…
You survived! Yay! I am exhausted just reading that post. Really. I hope today is better for you. But yay for finding the secondhand store!
Sandra said…
Shopping AND a nap, and you still weren't in the best of moods? I have no cure! Usually retail therapy cures all.
Christina Lee said…
So YOU were the lady at Target all cranky and mumbling to herself!!
mormonhermitmom said…
Wagh! So sorry. I shall sing...
"Mama said there'd be days like this, there'd be days like this, my mama said (mama said, mama said!)"

That is all.

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