My Big Adventure with My Flat Friends

Have you ever heard of "Flat Stanley"?  You know, you have a little flat cut out of a person and you take him/her with you on your adventures.  Then you send Flat Stanley and your adventures to the next person.  Well this is a cyber version of it, and much cooler.  It's cooler because I got to hang out with my new besties: Mimi and Mamarazzi!


I was a little embarrassed when Mimi and Mamarazzi arrived, my house wasn't quite clean.
They were so cool.  They said, "Don't sweat it!"  

But I still insisted on finishing up the work, at least that way we would have a place to sit and have a nice cool drink.

We made cookies to go with the diet know to cancel out the calories.  Mimi and Mamarazzi really liked their sleeping quarters.  
We went to Zumba the next day.  Mamarazzi and Mimi were the hit!
How is that you ladies still look so beautiful and I look....well...see for yourself.

We also went to EmmyMom's house and made and decorated sugar cookies for Valentine's Day.  That was a lot of fun getting all of us together again...

On Mamarazzi and Mimi's last day, we went to Weight Watchers...I had to introduce them to my leader Kim.  She rocks ya know!  She loved meeting the gals.

Then we headed to Old Town, and looked in all the shops and took lots of pictures.

Top Left is me with Mimi and Mamarazzi and on the right it is my mom.  The girls wanted to do a pose in the front of the wagon.  Looks like Mamarazzi called "shotgun!"

At the Old Town Jail they first posed with my sister and then asked for a close up. There are also two statues of prisoners complete with jugs of something.  It was took dark to get a decent shot of them.

We rested in a couple of places.  And panned for gold at this fountain.  All I found was a rock.  ;)

And as a final send off, dinner at Chili's!  Yum!

All in all it was great week!  I enjoyed having these lovely ladies in my company!  My daughters also got a chance to hang out with them.   You can see their adventure right over here.  If you would like to hang out with Mamarazzi and Mimi, just let them know and they will set you up!  Have fun.


Cheeseboy said…
You ladies are too funny. You are the first three women I have ever known that like being called "flat". Better quit drinking that soda if you want to stay that way though.
Macey said…
YES! You gave me Diet Coke!!
And thank goodness we went to WW after I'm sure I ate all the cookie dough! Sorry about that.
And I always knew Mama and I would end up in the clink. Sheesh.
Macey said…
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Emmy said…
Awesome job!! Love the pictures, love the video. How fun!! You really did show them a good time
Liz Mays said…
LOL, you put them in jail! And you took them to WW with you too. So funny!
Anonymous said…

How'd they do on the WW weigh-in?
jennykate77 said…
Wowza! You really showed them a good time....WW meeting and everything! LOL. I love the little bunkbeds! So fun!
Mamarazzi said…
love the bunk beds and mmmm cookies!

thank you so much for getting my beverage of choice, VERY sweet of you!

since my Flat is super skinny and hot i am hoping she picked up some WW tips for the real, much fluffier version of myself.
Venassa said…
Haha looks like a ton of fun!
I have a flat me, but it's life-size, and she's been on many trips with my best friend.
Lisa said…
That's so cute! I love it!
Love the adventures of my flat favorites! You and Emmy and showing us up by doing videos. Oh I see your challenge and I'm so gonna one up you on the next GNO! lol
Amy said…
SO fun! That is an amazing idea.
Nicole said…
Hmmm... that's interesting... and I've never heard anything like this before... so how did you get picked and what-not... I think I might still be confused...

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