Just Say NO!


Kristin has found and pretty much adopted this cat.  No he is not in our house...anymore.  I let her hold him inside for exactly 2 minutes then take the little flea bag kitty back outside.  He of course whines and cries for about 20 minutes then goes away.  I think.  He looks healthy.  His coat is shiny, his teeth and gums are in good shape.  Ears are clean.  No real signs of illness.  But no.  NO! NO! NO!  One friend told me to tell the kids the cat has worms.  I like that.  Hey for all I know it could be true!!  After all, I am not a vet.  I do not know what to look for.

This would not be the first time a cat has crossed our door.  Kristin found a cat a year or two ago.  This one was a kitten and had an injury.  I took that one to the shelter.  (A non-euthanize shelter.)  That little guy didn't stay.  But this new one...I am not sure what to think.  He acts like an owned cat, but he hangs around here like we feed him.  We don't. My brother and sister are the ones who brought animals home.  I didn't.  So why does my daughter keep finding these strays???

Have your kids brought home any animals? 


Emmy said…
Not yet, though they ask for pets all the time. He might just be somebody's indoor cat that got out. Wonder if he will show up again today.
Cheeseboy said…
Well, she's an animal lover I suppose. I for one hate cats so my boys would not be adopting one, but my boys have worms, so I am not one to talk.
Macey said…
I hate cats, so if the kids brought one home it would be because they WANT me to hiss at it and yell at it.
mormonhermitmom said…
My father gave my son an animal trap this Christmas. I have NOT made any effort to help him set it up. It would be just my luck he would catch a skunk.
Nicole said…
I was the kid who brought home strays... sometimes it isn't their fault they are stray and they make the best pets....
Shell said…
not yet, but I'm dreading the day when they do!
Amy said…
I know we will one day have a pet because my husband can't tell my daughter no, and she loves animals more than any baby ever has (or ever should!). Right now as we are house sitting, we are also cat sitting, and that is more than enough pet for me right now.
Linda Medrano said…
My husband and I are animal lovers. We feed and take in strays all the time. Right now, we have 2 dogs and a cat. I wish we had more of each.
Mrs Montoya said…
We have two dogs and my daughter is ALWAYS asking when the old one is going to die so she can get some miniature version of a dog. I am so glad that nothing small has shown up around here!!! Two flea bags is more than enough for our crew : )
Stephanie said…
lol Not yet....but I see how easily it could happen! Best of luck, he is a cutie:)
Laura said…
Gah, totally dreading the day a cat shows up at our house. A dog, sure. Cat, no!

Good luck with that. :)

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