What Did You Call Me?

I have been in a real funk lately.  I guess we all go through them from time to time.  This one seems to be especially brutal. I have been struggling along with everything. I have even having a hard time here, and my other blogs are collecting dust!  Who knows why.  The holidays are fast approaching.  That could be part of it.  I did reach a milestone birthday this year.  Whatever IT is, IT can poof be gone, because frankly IT has worn out its welcome.  ***deep cleansing breath*** In with the good and out with the bad....

Before I get into my question of the week, I want everyone to put their political views on the shelf.  Okay now let's all take a deep breath.  I promise it's not controversial.  First of all, I am not good with confrontation here or in real life.  And second, I really am not a controversial person.  So what's all the fuss, you ask? Well I am glad you asked!  Because I have a question!

Many times, as I sit and watch the news, I have noticed more than once that our President is often addressed as Mr. Obama.  Excuse me?  Correct me, if I am wrong, but isn't the proper way to address and refer to him would be:  Mr. President or President Obama.  Again, I am not interested in political views here.  I am talking about basic respect of the office of the leader of the free world.  What I am asking is, if you were right there in the media room(I have been in that room btw) would you say, "Mr. Obama?"  I wouldn't.  So why then, are these reporters constantly referring to him as such.  I mean yes, he is a "Mr." and his name is Obama, but that is splitting hairs.  President Clinton, President Bush, President Bush (43) and so on.  They are STILL referred to as Mr. President or President.  But never have I heard them called, "Mr. Clinton" or "Mr. Bush."  Not post term and certainly not during.  So what I am asking is:  What is the proper etiquette here?


Lauralyn said…
I could be totally wrong about this, but I think it is actually acceptable to call the President Mr. Obama or Mr. Bush or whatever. I think (although it's been a while since I read this, so I could be remembering wrong) that George Washington actually started the tradition of people referring to the President as either Mr. President or Mr. Washington (or whatever his last name is). He did so because there were those who wanted to call him "Your Excellency" or "Your Highness" and he was very concerned with NOT turning the Presidency into a Monarchy.

Whether that is true or not, a google search for Mr. Bush definitely will return articles in which President Bush was referred to that way. Whether it was as often as people say "Mr. Obama" is something I don't know, but it was done at least sometimes. I certainly don't think it's as disrespectful as calling him W or Bush 43.

I agree with you that no matter who the President is, and no matter what we think of his policies, he should be referred to with the respect due to the office. But disrespect for the President is as old as the country itself. Believe it or not, even Washington had his detractors, though they were few. Adams and Jefferson were both vilified in the press quite often. Those think there were some kind of good old days when all the politicians were nice to each other even when they disagreed with each other just don't know their history. :)

Sorry to turn this little comment into a whole book. :)

Emmy said…
I was totally going to agree with you until I read Lauralyn's comment. Guess we were wrong. But yeah, I think more often that not most are called Mr. President or President so and so. Maybe it is the media's way of trying to make him feel like one of the people more, as overall the media definitely really likes him.
Rachel said…
I don't know what's proper or not, but if I met him, I'd definately call him President.
mormonhermitmom said…
I think I would call him Mr. President simply because it's hard for me to think of the name "Obama" without hearing, "Who put the bom in the bom, bom bom, bom bom, Who put the ram in the rama lama dingdong?" in my head.
That's just me of course.
Linda Medrano said…
I'm pretty sure his title should be "Mr. President" and he should be referred to as "President Obama". I think some courtesy has been missing since the man got elected.
Janiece said…
very interesting though...
Can I just say I had not noticed.
Isn't that sad.
But, I would think President Obama would be appropriate.
It is his title.
You wouldn't call your Doctor "Mr. So and So"
Nicole said…
I think this is a great topic! I give the president respect no matter his policies and even if though I don't agree with certain things he's done so far. I think its important to address the president with respect but I probably would call him Mr. Obama or Mr. President, I don't think it makes a difference respect wise for me.
Sandra said…
Well Lourie it seems to me that your funk hasn't prevented you from thinking deeply and being observant. Great point...and I'm not even American.
As for the funk, maybe it's because of the time of year?...I'm just thinking out loud because I was never a big fan of the month of November. But for me it's because it preceeds snow and ice, and ridiculously cold weather. But you're in California, so that doesn't really work for you...
Well chin up my sweet friend.
Liz Mays said…
I had no idea he wasn't being referred to as "President." That doesn't even make sense!
Kellie said…
Lol!! I have NO idea.
The Drama Mama said…
I think its the time of year too. Summer has ended (even if you live in CA), the holidays are coming, and I don't care who likes him or who doesn't, he is our elected official, he should be called Mr. President or President Obama, period.`
Christina Lee said…
I think lots of proper etiquette has flown out the window--and I think we need to get it BACK!
Joy@TPMG said…
I haven't heard him referred to as anything other than Mr. President or President Obama but that could be because I seem to be completely out of the loop lately.

I think though that when being addressed directly in person he is to be referred to as "President Obama" or "Mr. President". As far as when he is written about or spoken about in the media it is up for debate. I think people lately seem to have become more disrespectful. I agree with Christina that we need to get back on track.
Holly Lefevre said…
I am in a funk too...blah!

As for our president, maybe that is his thing and he has requested to be called that. I never thought about it before, but I do recall always hearing past presidents called President..."
Nicole said…
I've noticed that too and pointed it out. And just think, the press was ALL over getting him in office. LOL

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