I Wanna Talk About Me...

What better way to participate in Alphabe-Thursday than to talk about "I."  

Jenny Matlock

When we moved from VA to CA in 2007, we took a huge road trip in the process.  It was long and at times grueling.  Let's face it, after all while McDonald's, Jack in the Box and Wendy's all taste the same.  On this journey we went to Ohio, where I got to see my BFFL.  I had not seen her in 20 years.  It was wonderful.  We also visited family all along the way.  One stop was in Alabama, where we visited Rich's aunt.  But for Wyoming...nope...I have never even passed through.
1.  My favorite Thanksgiving dish is yams
2.  I will not eat cranberries
3.  I always gorge myself on the rolls.

Gooble Gobble!!!

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Christina Lee said…
haha you're right, on my cross-country trip the fast food all tasted the same and became yicky icky!
The Drama Mama said…
I think #2 is your lie. :)
mle said…
Funny post : )
I'm going to guess #2 is your lie too!
Anonymous said…
I will pick #2 too.
mormonhermitmom said…
#1 is the lie. #3 CAN'T be the lie because I do that and I know you and I are the same in that regard.
sarah said…
just stopping by from miss jenny's .... nice thursday post! blessings....s....
NatureGirl said…
From now on...eat the cranberries...yummers! Happy Alphabethursday!
NatureGirl said…
From now on...eat the cranberries...yummers! Happy Alphabethursday!
Unknown said…
you just haven't tried my special fresh cranberry relish! Delish...I promise. Have a wonderful holiday!
Nicole said…
That is very cool you roadtripped! awesome! I would love to cross country road trip one day, sounds like so much fun! I think the last one is not true!
Theresa Plas said…
Enjoyed the video and am thinking #2 is the lie?
Stef said…
So, I hate yams so I am going to say you hate them too!
Jingle said…
I do like yams..
lovely i take.
Ames said…
Not even orange cranberry nut bread?? That was always a holiday favorite in my family. I can't gag down fast food anymore. Was burnt out on it years ago.Great "I" post. Love Toby keith too!~Ames
Judie said…
My husband insists on having that gelatinous cranberry stuff that comes in a can. My daughter always makes the good stuff for us.
Since most people are choosing cranberries (which was my initial choice), I will now choose #1 and say that although you like yams, they are not your absolute favorite.

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