The Curse

Unless you live under a rock, don't have cable, or children between 6 and 15, you probably don't know about Demi Lovato going to rehab.  This Disney kid is in rehab for supposed cutting and an eating disorder.  A teenage girl in Hollywood with an eating disorder?  I know, who would ever believe it!?  But it begs the question...are the Disney kids cursed; destined to become washed out or a disgrace the Disney name. 

Well let's take a little trip shall we.  I like this person fine...on her show.  I can't believe a show I thought would never last, ran for 5 years.  Now, she is not a wash out.  However, I do think she has made an abundance of poor choices.  Which surprises me, given her Daddy is just a "good ol' boy from Kentucky."  But what do I know? 

Another girl, I really liked when she first started.  She showed so much promise.  And what happened?  Did her head get too big?  How did her parents miss the signs of her going on that slippery slope? 

How about this girl?  She has had such a checkered past.  Does anyone take her seriously? 

Despite all that, I dare say there is no such curse.  I think the biggest "curse" Disney stars have is growing their wings.  It is hard for them get out of that cutesy place.  How about those other know the ones....the Warner Brothers kids...of that movie empire that is fast approaching its end.

So what is it?  Is it Disney?  Is it personality?  Upbringing?  Does Disney have a curse?


Emmy said…
Hmm guess I live under a rock :). Don't even know who that is. But yes, the Disney kids do not seem to have a good track record.
Christina Lee said…
Or the U.S. culture? Those HP kids live elsewhere don't they? *sigh*
Shell said…
I never thought that maybe it could be a US thing. Or maybe the HP kids have just been kept bus nonstop for the past almost 10 years now, filming one movie right after another.
Kellie said…
Celebrities are America's gods. To be thought of as a god, and, in reality, to be human and fallible, would be a tough place to be for any immature person.
mormonhermitmom said…
It's too much money + lots of people telling them they are the cat's meow + not a normal life + society expecting anyone 16 or over to be "hot". Not a good combination.
Nicole said…
Good questions! I truthfully think they want to "grow" up and think they can't do it if they are seen as a "cute" kid.
Nicole said…
I've heard of these things happening from magazines and online stuff. Its really sad that it happens to kids, girls especially it seems, when they start out with Disney/or in showbiz. Maybe from all the attention and everything they get. I definetly think putting an innocent child into showbiz at a young age does something to them. It seems like when they are younger, they are more innocent and they are acting and just being kids and singing and doing what they love without knowing the effect it has on the world/how much attention they get etc, and when they become aware of the attention that are getting/are not getting, maybe the drugs and acting out is just another way to get that same attention from the world that they used to get as a child.
Joy@TPMG said…
I hadn't heard that? I think it is a combination of things-they are forced to grow up so fast and some of them have so many expectations and responsibilities that they are to young to handle. I don't know how much parental support they have of if their parents are letting them call the shots or the companies they work for. I doubt they are well-insulated from all the pressure (and criticism) that is on them.
Linda Medrano said…
I think these kids are put in a very bad position considering their age. They become a "franchise" for their families. When you are the one who is paying the bills at 15 or 18, who makes the rules for you? It takes a very unusual young person to not get screwed up by all the "too soon" money, fame, adoration, etc.
Amy said…
What a sad thing. It breaks my heart that body image is such a big deal in Hollywood. I remember liking Hillary Duff because she actually had a normal body. She was thin, but not sickly thin. And then I heard somewhere that she was told to loose weight for a role, and now she is too thin, and it really makes me sad. What has the world come to? At least Demi Lovato is not on drugs, right?
Liz Mays said…
They shoot to fame so quickly that they don't know how to handle it well, do they? Can you imagine all the people around them confusing them with choices, some of which are very bad?!
Anonymous said…
Fame + Money + Hormones - Good Judgment = TROUBLE

Yeah! I did math.
Holly Lefevre said…
I blame Disney. When we went to the Jonas Brothers, Demi Lovato looked awful (and mean in a weird off way). I wasn't even sure it was her.

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