Dancing with the Stars, Season 11

I am so excited to be doing this again.  I had a lot of fun last season.  It was a lot of work actually.  I have a new appreciation for folks who do reviews!   
Adrina Patridge and Tony Dovolani

First up was Adrina Patridge.  Until she was announced as one of the stars, I had no idea who she was.  She stars on "The Hills."  Am I the only one on the planet who had never heard of this MTV Reality show?  She seems very quiet and also willing to work.  I like it when the celeb is willing to work!  She was a bit unnerved by being first.  I would be too. Their dance was:  The Cha Cha Cha. They were very bold and had Adrina perform solo.  That is a huge move on the first night.  She did a good job.  And whether I know who she is or not, she has some potential. 

Len told Adrina that she danced with confidence and had good technique.  His advice:  Be more fiesty!
Bruno ( I {heart} you) called her a beautiful show pony.  His advice:  She needs to hold her shape and be sexier.
Carrie Ann said that to start the season with a solo takes cahonies! She praised her for how well she was able to bring the moves together and connect with her partner(Tony).  Her advice:  Be careful jumping into your moves.  I might think it's a lift.  And you know me!  Yes, Carrie we do.  Lift Nazi!

Scores:  Carrie Ann: 6, Bruno: 6, Len: 7 Total: 19

Kurt Warner & Anna Trebunskaya

I am not a sports fan, but I will take their word for it, when they tell me he was a football player.  Quarterback.  He is also married with seven kids.  He introduced Anna to his family which I thought was pretty cool.  In the first rehearsal he was very klunky.  He told Anna that he didn't like his technique.  She told him he didn't have one yet.  As a man, he has it rougher than the women.  Men are supposed to lead.  How are you supposed to lead at something that you have never done before?  Their dance:  The Viennese Waltz.  He lacks confidence, but if he can stay a little longer he may relax enough to realize he can do it.  

Bruno told him he was a graceful quarterback.  A natural.  His advice:  Work on the technique and footwork.
Carrie Ann told him he will be a legend on the dance floor.  She told him he was very natural and debonair.
Len told him he was glad they liked it.  He said it lacked grace and elegance and had very little to commend.  Ouch!  Who put cat pee in your cheerios!?
Scores:  Carrie Ann: 7, Len: 5, Bruno: 7  Total 19

Kyle Massey and Lacey Schwimmer

Kyle Massey is 19 if he is a day.  He is a Disney kid and a singer/rapper.  

In first rehearsal, Kyle was caught presumably enjoying the view.  Lacey called him on it, "Were you looking at my boobs?"  He only buried himself further when he said that he needed a focal point.  Not sure he meant that literally.  Freudian Slip perhaps?  Rich defended him saying if her shirt wasn't so low he might be less likely to look.  Agreed.  Their dance was the Cha Cha Cha.  He did a very good job.  He is certainly an entertainer.

Carrie Ann embarrasses herself by telling the manboy that she has already fell in love with him.  It's her first crush of the season.  Okay Carrie, you are old enough to be his mother!  She did tell him that he was dynamite out there.  "fantastical."
Bruno at his absolute Bruno-ness said, "Kyle you are like an adorable naughty little puppy!  Oh how I love Bruno!!   Len simply smiled and said, "I liked it!" 

Scores:  Carrie Ann:  8 Len: 7 Bruno:  8  Total: 23

Rick Fox and Cheryl Burke

Okay, Rick Fox is like 6'7" and there was Cheryl Burke...all five feet four of her!  She had her shoes specially made to compensate for the height difference.  Her heels were 4 inches.    Rick Fox says the only familiar about ballroom dancing is the floor.  Despite that, and the height difference their Viennese Waltz looked really good.  And he has a suave look about him. 

Len tells him he could be his twin.  Sure Len.  He goes on to tell him that he didn't see a problem with the height difference that Rick's posture was amazing.  Bruno is all excited to have two sportsman competing this season.  He told him he is looking forward to seeing them fight it out.  Carrie Ann furthers her embarrassment by calling Rick, "Mr. Fox" because he is a "fox." and then proceeds to giggle like a teenage girl.  First Kyle now Rick.  I see a trend here.

Scores:  Carrie Ann:  8 Len:  7  Bruno: 7  Total:  22

Margaret Cho and Louis Van Amstel

Margaret Cho shared a very painful memory with Louis.  A time when she was a child in ballet and another mean girl called her a fat ballerina.  Now she was excited too feel like a lady.  Their Viennese Waltz started off great.  I thought.  Until she spun with those "wings" and purposely got tangled in them.  It was supposed to be a joke, but I felt it fell flat.  And again at the end they included a stumble.  Why would they choose to do that to an other wise lovely dance.  

And Bruno couldn't have said it better, "What the HELL was that!?" He went onto say her facial expression looked spiteful and he thought she might eat somebody.  He advised against further comedic gags this early on.  Agreed!  Carrie Ann told her the "accidents" were a bold choice and that she was a lovely dancer.  Len said he liked it at first but chastised her for the funny stuff.  "The Viennese Waltz is not an appropriate dance for comedy."  

Scores:  Carrie Ann: 5, Len:  5, Bruno:  5  Total: 15

Brandy and Maksim Chmerkovskiy

Brandy and Maks both are fierce competitors.  She wants to give it her all.  She wants to be perfect.  That never goes well in practice.  She swears.  Oh well.  On the dance floor, she is lovely and graceful.  A contender?  Perhaps.  Carrie Ann told her she was beautiful and graceful, but perhaps a bit too strong at times.  Len told her she made a fantastic impression.  And Bruno, just gushed on and on.

Scores:  Carrie Ann: 7 Len: 8 Bruno: 8  Total: 23

Bristol Palin and Mark Ballas

At first, I was all, Bristol Palin?!  Seriously?  And now, I'm still thinking, really!?"  Despite that, not being a performer of any kind, she didn't do too bad.  Len told her it was a very "acceptable" performance for the first week.  He noted her performance was clean and advised her to loosen up.  Bruno told her she shook her hips like a pro and advised her to focus more. 

Scores:  Carrie Ann: 6, Bruno: 6 Len: 6 Total: 18

Florence Henderson and Corky Ballas

Florence Henderson assures us, "Mrs Brady" she is not.  After she "flashed" the camera to show "The Situation" up, and swore during rehearsals, I quickly realized nope, she is not.  She is a lot of fun.And Corky is loving every minute of it!  Their cha cha cha was very cheeky and sassy.  I really enjoyed it.  And for a 76 year old, she's still got it.  Bruno said, "You are a spunky lady aren't you!"  He cautioned her that she looked insecure at times, and to work on her technique.  Carrie Ann told her that you can always tell when someone enjoys themselves.  And Len told her she was great.

Carrie Ann:  6
Len: 6
Bruno: 6
Total: 18

Michael Bolton and Chelsie Hightower

Chelsie's concern with Michael is his posture.  Now why would a singer slouch!?  But he does.  She puts him the bar.  A torturous contraption that forces the person to stand up straight.  Their Viennese Waltz was not too shabby.  He needs to relax.  Carrie Ann told him he needs to lead and that he needs to smile.  Len told him that overall it was good, but that he needed lift his diaphragm and tuck in his butt.  Bruno told him to relax and enjoy it.  That when he is relaxed he does better.

Carrie Ann:  6
Len: 5
Bruno: 5
Total:  16

The Situation and Karina Smirnoff

"The Situation" is so full of himself that it is sickening.  And their cha cha cha did not impress me at all.  So when MIKE asked, "Who wouldn't want this?"  I said, "Ummm me."   Len told him he was unrehearsed and therefore the dance was unpolished. Bruno on other hand believes there is something there?  Where???  It might be talent he added.  Carrie Ann told him she wanted to see what he would bring back next week.  Hopefully less of "The Situation." 

Carrie Ann: 5
Bruno: 5
Total:  15

Jennifer Grey and Derek Hough

Unless you live in a cave, you know who she is.  And you know the movie she is probably most famous for.  And so, when their song--they don't get to choose-- was given to them, "These Arms of Mine." from that movie, she was excited.  She was excited until they started to rehearse.  Then memories flooded her and took her completely off guard.  She was reduced to tears and later explained to Derek that it was like she was back in time.  And she missed him(Patrick Swayze).  I felt so bad for her.  But their Viennese Waltz was beautiful and very emotional.  Bruno exclaimed, "Baby is back where she belongs!  And someone up there will be very proud of you!"  Carrie Ann was so moved by the dance that it brought tears to her eyes, saying that something profound happened.  Len thought the dance suited her and is excited to see her next week for the Jive.

Carrie Ann:  8
Len: 8
Bruno: 8
Total: 24

David Hasslehoff and Kym Johnson

What an interesting choice.  David Hasslehoff, an alcoholic who was taken off America's Got Talent due to incidents of showing up drunk.  Hey if he can stay sober, great.  He seems like a good guy.  He says, his heart is young, but his body is OLD.  And he moves like it.  Their cha cha cha, was entertaining but he lacked finesse. 

I think actually Carrie Ann said it best this time when she said he was like an off spring of Donny Osmond and Jerry Springer.  In other words he shines likes Donny but moves like Jerry.  Bruno did have some colorful words though.  No not those kind.  He said we do love the Hoff!  We love the madness of it all.  There wasn't any dancing more like a potpourri of moves disguised as dance.  Len said it was never too early to panic.  

Carrie Ann:  5
Len: 5
Bruno: 5
Total:  15

Week one the couple to go home:  David Hasslehoff and Kym Johnson.  They dragged it out as long as they could.  It was annoying and nerve racking to say the least.  I can't wait to see what happens next week!

All pictures came from The Dancing With Stars FaceBook Page.  Found here.


Anonymous said…
I would have rather seen Margret Cho get the boot but oh well. There's always next week...
Christina Lee said…
Oh good I missed the results--glad to see it was David--kind of a train wreck!
Joy@TPMG said…
I am kind of relieved that David Hasselhoff got voted off. I have to ask, who in the world is "The Situation"?????? I can't believe I missed the first night!
Nicole said…
lol I'm just cracking up here at David Hasselhoff lol, he looks awesome! I love Jennifer Grey, totally reminds me of her in Dirty Dancing with her dress. Bristol Palin looks great too! Now I have to start watching this!! :)
I was surprised to see The Hoff get kicked off first. Before Monday night, I thought Margaret Cho was going to be the first to get booted. After Monday night, I thought it would be The Situation.
Emmy said…
Sounds like acme interesting people this year. Great review :)
Stephanie Faris said…
I've never watched DWTS. But Florence Henderson? SERIOUSLY?
Linda Medrano said…
I have never seen this show. Not even once. American Idol - never seen it. I may be a communist.
Krissy said…
Ok back too the top yes mom u r the only 1 who did not know about the show The Hills know that show...AND I DONT WATCH IT!
Kitty Deschanel said…
Everywhere I look, everyone is blogging about Dancing with the Stars. It's also all they talk about at work! I really should give this show a try :p
CB said…
I love DWTS and I had to miss the first night - UGH!
I think it is going to be a great season!

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