Answers. Also... A birthdAy!

Jenny Matlock

I was tAgged by Emmy to Answer eight questions!  So here are my Answers.  

1) If you could pick one place to live, where would it be?
Hawaii or some other tropical type of place.
2)Are you a dog or cat person? Why?
I prefer cats simply because they are lower maintenance.  I am lazy.  Like a cat.
3) Close your eyes and reach into your purse; what is the first thing you grabbed?
A little black pouch for my phone is not in it.  It's in the depths of my purse.
4) What was your favorite childhood toy?
I played with Barbies a lot, but my go to was my tape recorder.
5) The seasons are about to change; which is your favorite?
I love LOVE Fall.  Bestest weather.
6) What side of the bed do you sleep on? And do you like cuddling when you sleep or do you have to have your own space?
On the left and I totally want my space.
7) What is your favorite candy?
Homemade butterfingers and peanut butter cups.
8) If I gave you $100 right now, what would you do with it?
Why?  Are you offering?  :)

Also today is a very special day.  13 years ago at precisely 5:43PM something happened that would change my whole perspective on everything I ever did or said and on anything I would ever say or do.  She cried for four months.  I hardly slept.  She had the biggest brightest eyes you ever saw.
At a very early age she was very Articulate!  She and I talk all the time.  About anything.  Everything.  I hope it can always be like that.  She is 13 today.  I don't know what I did.  I think I blinked.  I am trying to keep my eyes open longer now.  Because if I blink again she will be grown.  Don't be in too big of a hurry, sweetie.  You can grow, just take your time.  Love you!  Happy Birthday!

Now I must tag some friends to Answer my questions...first the questions....

1.  Name three things from your "Bucket List."
2.  You have an entire day to  yourself.  How do you spend it?
3.  What is your favorite TV show?
4.  What are you most afraid of?
5.  What would you do for a Klondike Bar?
6.  What was the last movie you saw at the theater?
7.  What is your favorite song?
8.  Tell me a secret.

Here's who I tag:

My lovely daughter
A Hermit Mom
Absolutely Narcissim
Semi-Slacker Mom
Hand in Hand
Involuntary Smiles


I really did play softball.  And we were really undefeated for two years in a row.  But a bench warmer?  Puh-leeeeeze!  I was a power hitter.  Knocked 'em out of the park I did!  

1.  I have been pregnant 4 times
2.  I know exactly when Little Middle was concieved
3.  The boy took 5 years to concieve


NatureGirl said…
Fun! Always nice to meet new people. Hopped over from AlphabeThursday!
~ Lori ~ said…
I'm your newest follower from Alphabe-Thursday! I loved your post! Have a great day.
Nicole said…
Awww Happy Birthday to your beautiful daughter! and wow those bright eyes are gorgeous! she is such a cutie!! I think you didn't take 5 years to concieve. PS If i could live anywere it would be hawaii too!!! maybe we'll both end up there one day! :)
Emmy said…
Happy Birthday Kristen!! So weird that you have a teenager. Love the Klondike Bar question :).

Hmm and I am guessing number two is the lie? Or number one actually.. Hmm I just don't know.
Anonymous said…
I love you tied in the tag to the meme. Very Clever.

Happy Birthday to your special girl.
Terra said…
What a cute girl you have there! I like seeing others peoples answers to questions but hate answering them myself!
mormonhermitmom said…
Happy B-Day to the Teen of the House.

Ah! I'm it.

You do NOT know when the middle was conceived, oh not you don't.
Anonymous said…
I got it right again! Woo to the hoo!

Happy Birthday to your daughter!
Rachel said…
Wow! A teenager. I so remember the day I turned 13. Was it really that long ago? CraZy!
KK said…
Aw, happy birthday!

Ok, here goes:
1) Don't have one yet, but I think Italy should be on it. I can't think of anything else at the moment.
2) Every Sunday and I sleep A LOT.
3) House
4) diarrhea in public
5) almost anything
6) The Switch. Loved it!
7) My mind is blank!
8) I have a secret crush. That's all I'm sayin'!
Jen said…
Cats, Barbies, Tape recorders and peanut Butter cups! I'm with you!
Great take on the letter "A".
Kellie said…
We are twins in spirit. Seriously, girl.
Susan Anderson said…
Your daughter is adorable, and it sounds like she's great company, too.

CB said…
Happy Birthday to your sweet daughter. 13 is a big one - Teenager in the house! Woot!
Good to get to know you!! The older I get the more I think I want a bucket list!
Pondside said…
Interesting to learn a little bit about you.
I know what you mean about blinking and missing something - my baby is 23 and I don't know where the years went. Thank heavens I was present in mind and spirit because I can't even begin to imagine what it would be like to know that my attention had been elsewhere.
Holly Lefevre said…
Happy Birthday to your baby! Those are some amazing eyes...what a gorgeous young lady. I hope to have that kind of relationship with my kids. You are a wonderful mommy!
Amy said…
A little late, but Happy birthday! And what a beauty your daughter is. Just keep your eyes open, hu? :)
Jenny said…
Oh Lourie.

She is lovely. Happy Birthday to your beautiful daughter. What a darling baby she was, too.

It's hard keeping your eyes from blinking, isn't it? Maybe that's what happened to my kids!

Thanks for this sweet, sweet stop for Alphabe-Thursday.

You are always lovely to visit.

And your answers made me laugh.


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