Are You Kidding Me?

After 3 miserable weeks without air conditioning, I received my electric bill.  I foolishly thought that my bill would reflect that.  Well according the graph it did.  It went down.  How then, did my bill double?  What the heck?  So I did what any disgruntled customer would do.  I called them.  First how many freaking buttons do I have to push before I get an actual human being?  And what is the probability that the human I get will be of at least average intelligence.  Let's address the first question, shall we.  I think I had to have pushed 7 or 8 times not including my garden variety of voice answers.  "yes" "no"  "billing dispute"  "CAN I HAVE SOMETHING WITH A PULSE!"  See that is the mistake.  I wasn't specific enough.

I got the dumb arse with the pulse.  The dumb arse who pointed out to me how hot it had been last month.  Well no sh*t Sherlock!  I would never have guessed that without you!  But wait, there was this little peace of information that sort of cued me in...
Yeah...and that was a good and cool temp.  The hottest day it was 87 degrees in the house.  Let me repeat....87 freaking degrees in the HOUSE!  So Dumb Arse... DA we will call him asks me, "What temperature do you keep the house."  I am an honest person.  It's just my nature.  "75." I told him.  He then tells me that my AC will run more efficiently if I keep it at 78 and in turn would bring my bill down.  I held my tongue, but I wanted to ask him if HE kept his thermo at 78.  I bet he doesn't.  And the offices of the electric company....78?  Psssh!  Yeah whatever. But wait it gets better.  I calmly explain to DA that our air conditioner was broken.  That the compressor was leaking at its base and the unit was out of freon.  Well if you run your AC at 78 it will work more efficiently and its life expectancy is longer.

Well thank you, DA it all makes sense now!  Of course.  How stupid of me.  And here I thought it was just old.  22 freaking years old!  The most I got out of this conversation was an extension on the due date which included a thirty-five dollar late fee I wasn't informed I would be getting!  Therefore,  SO. CAL EDISON....

I was inspired to write this post by my BF Emmy.  If you want to play along....go and visit Mimi at Living in France.  Have fun dropping your F-Bomb!  


Christina Lee said…
"And what is the probability that the human I get will be of at least average intelligence." *snort*
Anonymous said…
Ugh. I hate dealing with any company over the phone. I set mine at 75, too. There's no way I could do 78!
Nicole said…
I think its the worst thing companies can do is to have a computer answer the phone and then have someone finally answer who has no idea how to help customers. They are not too smart! I would try to switch electric companies and let them know that and see if you can get them to then offer you a discount to stay or something.
Emmy said…
No way! How did your bill double??? You didn't have your AC on for the last three weeks! That makes no sense, sounds like a scam, "it was really hot (so we increased everyone's bill because we can be sneaky like that)"
mormonhermitmom said…
Obviously the broken AC was leaking electricity as well as freon ;)

Nah, I bet they raise their rates in the summer during peak usage so even if you do set your thermostat at 85, they still get the money they want.
Joy@TPMG said…
That is crazy! I would have been furious to. Did you call back about the late charge? Hopefully the next person you talk to isn't a DA!
Kellie said…
Oh, that is so lame? Really, do they even check the meters, or do they just guess? It's definitely fbomb worthy either way.
CB said…
Don't you love it when you finally get the human you get the ONE without the brain! Frustration!!!!
Perfect for your F-Bomb day!
Linda Medrano said…
If I had air conditioning, I'd set it at 65. Anything else is ridiculous! 78? Okay, you had no air conditioning running at all. And it costs more when you have none? Awwwwgggggghhhhhhhhhh!
Imaginative Me said…
Wow! That guy shouldn't be working for the power company, he sounds intelligent enough to be working for NASA!
KK said…
Wow, that's insane!!
Holly Lefevre said…
You know what is sad...once you get to a human, you realize the computer was more helpful.

Just send some of those degrees up here. The last few days have been nice, but it has been 55-60!
Susan Anderson said…
That is a major drag. I can't believe how expensive energy is these days. It's ridiculous.

Even more ridiculous is the runaround you get when you call these people. We've all been there and can empathize.

Sometimes I have to wonder where they find these employees.

Amy said…
Wait, I am confused, was it ever resolved? Did you figure out why your bill was so high? And why did he not listen to you? I hate when people are dumb and refuse to listen because they are bored at their job.

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