What in the WORLD???

Have you ever just seen something...anything...and thought, "What in the world!?"  Or maybe "What the heck!?"  How about....What the...FRENCH TOAST!?  I mean what else is there to say when you see this?

The gal that does this, says the dog is happy and loves the attention.  Does this animal look happy to you?  It is one thing to put a little scarf or even a little shirt to keep a smaller dog warm in the winter months.  But this is too much.  At least in my highly regarded humble opinion it is.  Yes, she does do regular grooming and has awards.  But I still have to say...WHAT IN THE WORLD???

Is it okay to do this to an animal?   Do you think the animals are truly happy?  It kind of reminds me of my post about Toddlers and Tiaras.  Just like the babies, the dogs have no voice of their own.  I guess they could bite the person doing it!  What is your take?


Shell said…
That is totally bizarre!
Emmy said…
Yeah, way too much! I don't even think it looks good. Oh and I saw a Toddler's and Tierras the other day. The director took off with the money and never gave the contestants their prize money!
The Drama Mama said…
I think it's kinda cruel. Poor dog.

I have something for you at my place.
Joy@TPMG said…
That poor, poor dog. How does she gt the dog to stand still while she does this?
Mayra said…
Just plain wrong. One thing is knowing about grooming another is understanding the psychology of dogs and what makes them happy. To me this obviously doesn't.
Shelley said…
I've seen that before. There are tons of different kinds of things they make them look like. I think the dogs are okay. I mean, with PETA and dog lovers out there, I'm sure they wouldn't treat the dogs poorly. I imagine it's like doing your daughters hair or something. Sometimes they whine about it but when it's over, they like to look pretty! Haha. Right? IDK that's just what I think.
Linda Medrano said…
My two pit bull mixes, Harry and Honey think Poodles belong to a weird religious cult anyway. This photo kind of proves them right.
mormonhermitmom said…
The woman has WAAAAAAAY too much time on her hands.
Kitty Deschanel said…
Oh, that photo just put a smile on my face! Really, I do feel sorry for the poor dog...but she sure is fun to look at! :)
Christina Lee said…
What the french toast is right! I am just not sure how I feel about it!

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