Toddlers and Tiaras

While I have been known to write about some hot topics now and then, I don't feel this one is necessarily hot or current.  However, it could be considered hot depending on how you feel about such things.  Everyone has their hot button issue. I wouldn't say it is a hot one for me, but I will say it could easily become one!  Especially after watching an Episode of TODDLERS & TIARAS, I think I may have to make room for this on my hot list.

Have you SEEN this??  Have you seen these children?  A four year old girl treating her mother like a peasant, sucking on a PACI and all of these little girls drinking energy drinks!  Like by the gallon!  And what about the outfits? The make up?  The hair?  Am I just old school?  What's wrong with just showing girls in their own beauty?  And why do they have to be dressed up like pint sized street walkers? It's frightening how mature they make them look.   And it's appalling how these children act.  Some more than others.  But when I look at the parents, I see the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.  I also see women pushing their children and making them into little show ponies. 

Seriously what is scarier?  The kids or the the show...look at those girls see how they are acting, and the moms.  Ponder it.  Then answer. I wrong?

This is a good thing?
This post was brought to you by....

Jenny Matlock



Christina Lee said…
YES! I've watched the show once and never can again!
That show makes me SICK! Those poor little girl's {and some boys too} have no choice in the matter.

Their parents need help!

I have watched in once and once only!
laterg8r said…
crazy and over the top! i agree with you.
This show, these practices, are crimes against humanity as far as I'm concerned. All the grown ups should be lined up and shot dead. :)
Anonymous said…
My neice would rather play in the dirt.
It's really sad.

Some of the moms at the horse shows are the same way. They are trying to live through their poor little kids. It's horrible.

Thought provoking t post.
The Drama Mama said…
It is a pretty crazy show. I've seen something similar but the kids were a little older, definitely had attitudes.
Richard said…
I know these shows pick the "worst of the worst" but I just cannot see a benefit to these "beauty pageants" for toddlers.
Emmy said…
I have never seen this show but I think I would be really mad if I did. Just let kids be kids!
Vanessamae said…
Its funny because these parents are gonna wonder 15years from now why these girls have NO respect for themselves or anyone else, but good news for them! they have it all on tape!

My mom always said if you couldn't control your kid at 3 you aren't going to be able to do it at 13, it would be interesting to see what these girls turn into
Shelley said…
My friend was just talking about this yesterday on Facebook. There was a marathon on tv yesterday and I have seen it before once but when I got home I turned it on and yep, it still drove me crazy. My husband was grossed out. He said it's like porn for pediphiles. Yep.
bingham 5 said…
The mothers on this show are CRAZY! A bunch of moms trying to live their lives through their kids - so sad.
Jo said…
I think Shelly's husband is right on the nose ... and the mom's of these girls are pimping out their child's youth and innocence for their 15 minutes of fame ... tsk tsk
Lourie, I'm with you on this one babe. It freaks me out. I think of the movie 'Little Miss Sunshine'. I think the people are phony. It's too much fake stuff. Kids are naturally beautiful for heavens sake.
Viki said…
I never saw this show but I watched a documentary once about kids that were in beauty pageants. I couldn't imagine spending all that money on clothes, travel and at least in the documentary the kids weren't very respectful to the parents. JMO
Jenny said…
I had a little too much couch time last week and watched this for the first time ever.

It is horrible. Can you even imagine what those little girls will grow up to be like? And can you even imagine if your son were to date one.

Talk about building shallow ideals and values and high-maintenance children!

Oh! I guess you did!

This was a great link up Lourie. Thought provoking and well written!

Thank you for linking up this week...I share your distaste!

You are terrific!

Christine said…
It's just repulsive, really.
mrs. c said…
i completely agree with you...these parents are crazy to treat their children like that! I cannot beleive that anyone would watch that show! It is horrible. Thank you so much for this post!
Betty said…
I see we watched the same show the other night. I agree with everything you said. I wonder what the parents think when they watch the show themselves. Do they see what we see? Does it make them want to change? The money they spend on the outfits, make up, spray tan, fees, etc. is out of sight. Let the kids dress up on Halloween and just be themselves the rest of the year.
Unknown said…
I think it is a bad idea all around.........for too many reasons to list here.
Amanda Lee said…
It's definitely a bit weird, isn't it? I'd like to think the producers are showcasing only the really extreme cases, and that most people who participate are pretty normal. But it does seem really sad....
Holly Lefevre said…
I am strangely fascinated by this show. The mothers (most of the) are appalling and the kids are questionable...but I have hope for them. Here is a perspective...I view it much like (many, but not all of) moms and dads who strive for their kids to be in show biz...they may not have all that glitz but the pressure and the actions are often the same...just not caught on camera.
Holly Lefevre said…
One more thing...most of it from the parents part is all about the parent wanting to be more and not accepting their lives.
GardenOfDaisies said…
I have not seen the show, but have seen some of the promos advertised and it does look scary! I blame the mothers.

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