What's Your Humble Opinion?

This morning I had to take my girls to school. Due to a family emergency, the extras were not going to school today and therefore Kristin & Emily would not be riding with them. As I drove Kristin to school, we began one of our lengthy discussions. Since this girl was tiny, she has had the capacity to carry on quite elaborate discussions, but then she also has the uncanny ability to switch gears in a nano-second. Today's topic: School uniforms. Her opinion is: Well they are good and bad. Okay, how are they good?
"Well they are good because then everyone is the same. No one can make fun of you for what you are wearing."
"Why are they bad?"
"Because you can't be unique. And because you can't mix and match outfits."
These are legitimate arguments for a 12 year old. She also didn't do it with a whiney tone. She stated her reasons thoughtfully and intelligently.
I had the rebuttal all ready and then it happened(again) a brain fart. Don't ya hate that? Second time today and it was only 8:30! I did remember tho. My argument was that no matter what job you are in there is some kind of uniform. Even working at Wal-Mart. They wear beige pants and navy blue polo shirts. So why not learn this while you are in school? So my question(and hopefully I can figure out the poll button) today is: Should there be school uniforms in all schools? And, should the teachers have a dress standard or wear a similar uniform?
Unless you *are* a streetwalker...
Sorry for the novel. :)
I agree with Kristen's arguments, both very good.