X-Rays and Lies! Oh My!

Welcome! Tell 2 truths and a lie and make us guess which is the lie. 
You've played this game before, so why not join The Scoop on Poop and CA Girl every Thursday by:
  1. Grabbing the handy little button on the sidebar
  2. Posting your 2 truths and a lie
  3. Link up
  4. Reveal your lie the next week!
  5. Visit others who link up and leave a comment guessing their lie.
It's that easy!! You know you want to play!! Link up today!!

Not only is it Two Truths and a lie...it's also Alphabae-Thursday!  And today the letter is X.  Now this an unfair letter!  I suppose I could say xylophone.  How about Xanax!  Now that is a WORD!  Woot!  I am having a party now!  Ahem.  Okay seriously...I chose X-Rays because I have had so many it's a wonder I don't glow in the dark!  I've broken my arms, my leg, toes and fingers.  I can't give it all up here cause that would just spoil fun!

Instead, I am going to tell you that when my sister and I were young we fought. Physically.  I mean we yelled and stuff, but we were also physical.  Now I am not talking about girlie b*tch slappin stuff, no we were more hard core.  We punched, kicked, shoved and yeah I am sure we scratched too.  It's a wonder we didn't hospitalize each other.  Oh but we did send each other to the ER more than once.  Now comes the truths and lie part.  Two are true, one is false.  Each one requires an X-ray...ready... here goes...

1.  My sister once broke my pinky finger
2.  I once broke my sister's nose
3.  My sister broke her toe kicking me.

Come back NEXT WEEK for a new Letter and the answers. 


Emmy said…
I won't answer this one as I know the answer :). Great job incorporating the two writing prompts.
Nicole said…
I think 2 is a lie, how could such a wonderful nice person ever break their sisters nose? :)
Linda Medrano said…
My sister and I used to fight too, and not the girly stuff either. Still, nothing got broken with us! So, I'll guess #2 is a lie.
The Drama Mama said…
Ohhhhhhhhh these are good!!

Hmmm...my uncle knocked out my mom's front teeth once, so ALL of these are believable, LOL. Hmmm....

I'm going with #3 as the lie.
Christina Lee said…
Hmmm... I'd say #3 is a lie ;-)
mormonhermitmom said…
Any TKO's? HA!

I'll guess number 2 is the lie.
Shelley said…
I'm guessing number 2?
Susan Anderson said…
I like #3 the best. Poetic justice, and all that...

Anonymous said…
I was really hoping all of them would be false.
jfb57 said…
I'm going to go for no.2 because it seems very severe! Love your blog - glad I've found it!
Laura said…
"girlie b*tch slappin stuff" - bahahaha, funny! My brother and I fought A LOT too but he was crazy and would chase after me with knives, ummm yeah.

I'm going to go with #3. :)
Rebecca Dot Com said…
cute idea! cant wait to participate next week!!! :)
Betty said…
I think 1 and 2 are true.
My sister once suggested a game where we would be blindfolded and then the other one would give directions like "two steps forward" and "turn right and take three giant steps." I did and she led me right into the big tree in the front yard. I had to have my nose X-rayed, but it wasn't broken. We didn't play that game again. Too bad...it was her turn to wear the blindfold next.
hm...actually...all are very possible...

maybe the one that would seem much easier to do (broken pinky), wasnt the truth...

I never got into a fight with my siblings...but then again, my little brother was 11 years younger than me and my sister 9 years younger than him, so I think that definitely makes a difference!

Blessings & Aloha!
(slightly late with getting to the X posts...I'd love if you are able to check mine out :o)

Have a safe and wonderful July 4th!
Jo said…
hmm, it sounds like they could all be true ... hopefully you are a little easier on each other now.
Cheryl said…
I think #1 is a lie just because it's too easy.
Holly Lefevre said…
Hmmm...this one is not as easy as the last....I vote for pinky finger.
Christy said…
My guess is #2. My sisters and I fought also we never broke any bones but one time I threw her into a wall and we broke an antique wall clock -it came crashing down. Ended the fight immediately. We tried Elmers gluing it back together - we got into oodles of trouble. fun post!
Jenny said…
Lourie! I don't know where my comment went from last week...I am not being rude visiting late...I just lost several comments when I visited on Sunday!

Please excuse my rudeness!


That X-ray totally made me laugh!

What a fun post...and as to the lie...geez, girl, I dunno. Ummm... Ummm.... I think on Sunday I voted for number 2 so that's probably wrong and I will say number 1 today!

Thanks for linking up!

You are Xstra special!


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