It's Friday!  It's time to confess.  Confess of what?  Anything.  Everything.  Nothing.  You decide.  Real or imagined.  Claim it or deny it.  The choice is yours.  It's all in good fun and the best part...we don't judge.

I found a white hair.  In MY head.  A freaking WHITE hair!  To verify it's whiteness, I plucked that bad boy OUT and showed it to my mom who said ineed it was a white hair.  WHITE!  What the heck?

I got my hair cut Wednesday.  Long over due.  But isn't that always the case?  It was a new gal.  She asked me, "Is that your natural color??"  "As close as I can get it." and it has been at least 3 months since I colored it.  She asked me what I used. Hmmm I think I use Miss Clairol...but ooops it's Loreal...cause I'm worth it!  She said it was the best match she has ever seen and she also told me I was a brat.  Hahaha.  My hair is is like three colors...blonde, red, and some light brown.  Mix it in a pot and it turns this caramel color.  I wanted to bring out the gold.  And still a WHITE one!  Seriously!?  Oh and the hair dresser told me I didn't have THAT many grey hairs.  Ummm thanks?

There is a certain movie I am dying to see.  NO!  That's too obvious.  I saw the official trailer for it on Wednesday.  I got so excited I almost peed!  And then, I think I hyperventilated a little.  Go and see what I am talking about here...since I can't embed it...and if I can, I am not seeing the button.  I can hardly wait!  It was supposed to come out in July, but they post poned it for some strange reason.  Psssh!  Twihards!  I'm kidding.  I am going to be saving my nickles and dimes!  I want to see it in IMAX!  Cause I'm geeky like that!  But I make it look cool.

It's been a slow week.  I don't have much to confess.  I promise to screw up more next week!  What do need to get off your chest?  Share it with Glamazon! 


Emmy said…
Hey slow weeks are a good thing sometimes. :)
And yeah for some reason I don't have sympathy for your one gray hair. :p
Kellie said…
You almost peed over Harry Potter? Hehehe...Let us know how you like it :)
Melissa said…
Aaah, Harry Potter! So fun. Gray hair? I can't believe that. And who can match their hair color to one out of a bottle? You can, that's who. That, my friend, is a gift. You should put it on your resumee :)

Thanks for playing!
Linda Medrano said…
I loved the first Harry Potter, but after that it was downhill for me. Same thing with Lord of the Rings. First one rocked. Twilight too! Don't go bald plucking the white ones!+
Joy@TPMG said…
I plucked my 1st grey hair in my early 20s. They have been to scared to return:) I would love your hair color! It sounds like your hair color is like my daughters (who of course takes after their father).
Oka said…
I started getting white hairs at 15 :( Wish I had ONE now
Shell said…
I'm convinced that they postponed it b/c of Twilight and that they are purposely not releasing any of the movies close in time to each other. I was so disappointed that it's not coming out this month.
BJ_Mama said…
H to the Pott, heh? Good for you! Hope it's everything you dreamed of ;)
mormonhermitmom said…
My daughter claims I have a couple of those white hairs, but she forgets I have natural blondish highlights. White hair indeed.
Holly Lefevre said…
I have clairoled, lorealed, feriaed, nice and easied and still cannot find the right color...ever since I left my fabulous hair gal in L.A. my hair has sucked.

I have many white hairs...I do not like them...I refuse to accept them naturally.

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