What Were You Doing?

Ten years ago and the night before, I was sitting in my book club discussing...well...a book!  I don't remember what the book was.  Probably because I was highly uncomfortable, and having Braxton Hicks contractions.  One of the ladies joked asking me if I was going to go into labor.  I think my response was something like, "Pfffft!  No, just practicing."  After all I still had 4 weeks to go.  Around 3 that morning everything was about to change when my water broke.  At first I thought I was peeing the bed.  After all at that point your bladder can hold all of about 1/8 of teaspoon of water and that child was practically between my knees anyway.  When I got on the toilet I realized that nobody pees for that long.  So we took care of our eldest and then headed to the hospital.  Silly doctor thought I wouldn't be ready til lunch.  Yeah, tell that to the nurse who said on the phone, "NO, he needs to be here NOW!"  That was around 10:15AM.  At 10:43AM they handed her to me, but she was purple and not breathing.  The quickly whisked her away and worked quietly but quickly.  We held our breath til she took hers. 

Emily Kay
5pounds 12 ouces
19 3/4 inches

They grow before our very eyes
Get their big kid beds!
Start school
Get baptized
Go on Daddy/daughter dates
Act like little mothers

It's been a great and fast ten years!  She is sweet, artistic and has a brilliant smile.  Throw in those freckles and light brown eyes and she can easily steal your heart away.
Happy birthday, Emily!


Emmy said…
Happy birthday Emily! What a sweet tribute.
Kellie said…
What a darling little girl. Happy Birthday!
Sandy said…
Such sweet photos of your big girl.. seeing them grow before your eyes is a bit scarey and so sweet.. my girl is now 26 with three babies of her own.. my mind takes me back to when she was 10..
thanks so much for your visit to my blog today..
Happy Birthday to your girl!
Katie's Dailies said…
It just isn't fair, is it? Hope she has a wonderful happy birthday!
The Drama Mama said…
Awwww Happy Birthday, Emily! I adore the flashback photos!!
Holly Lefevre said…
Too sweet! My little (or big) boy turned 9 on Friday. They grow so quickly...it is just scary. Happy Birthday to Emily!
Rachel said…
Happy Birthday! Very sweet post! She really is darling!
Liz Mays said…
I love the story of her arrival! When it was time, it was time, huh? Wow! Happy Birthday to your beautiful little girl!
Shell said…
Happy 10th birtday to your sweet girl!
Sarah said…
My water broke at home too... it really does seem like you're just peeing forEVER! lol

Happy Birthday to Emily! What a beautiful post!
Oh what a sweet post. Happy Birthday Emily.

I just wanted to let you know that I posted chapter 4 Empty Arms Broken Hearts.

silfert said…
Aww! Happy birthday, big kid! :)
Tracie said…
Happy (belated) Birthday to your daughter!

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