Sticky Situations

If you are anything like me, you have a total love affair with office supplies.  So when school supplies start filling the shelves, I have a tendency to go crazy spend a lot a little on supplies I don't need I will use.  How can I resist?  Pens.  Papers.  Notebooks.  Binders.  The notebooks are .15 cents!  A package of 10 wide crayola markers are one dollar!  A DOLLAR!  Composition books are .25cents.  And in the midst of my office obsession are post its!  I love post its!  But the virtual ones are even better!  Windows 7 has sticky notes!  And I use them!  Ah!  Maybe there is a 12 step program for me and my weakness for office supplies.  While I am off searching, you can read on my post it notes for the day.


There is a site called CHATZY.  On this site you can create a room for chat.  I was introduced to this site a few years ago when a site I was on was having issues and its members needed a fix.  Anychat...tomorrow if I do it right, there should be a room accessible straight from my blog.  You just choose a color and type your name.  If for some reason, the room is not accessible right in the post itself, I will provide a link with the room name and password.  You can drop in anytime you want to say hi and visit.  I look forward to "seeing" everyone tomorrow!


bingham 5 said…
I too love new crayons and glue sticks!
Nicole said…
I love going to staples, I would love to have someone like design a desktop for me:) lol. I'm sorry you had a Headache! if I massage my scalp sometimes that helps.
Shell said…
I go crazy with the cheap office supplies!
Bossy Betty said…
I LOVE office supplies! What is it about them? The promise of being organized? The harkening back to new school supplies. I am not sure, but I know I love 'em!
Susan Anderson said…
I LOVE office supplies and try to avoid Office Max as long as possible because I always go overboard.

mormonhermitmom said…
I love school supplies. I hate school supply lists. I mean seriously, if you have the kid get crayons, WHY do they need colored pencils and markers too? Make up your minds people!
Rachel said…
You are clearly not alone in the love of office supplies! It was the 15 cent notebooks that got me. I bought a stack!
Aubree said…
oh man i LOVE notebooks haha. 15 cents where??? haha i almost like writing in a notebook more than typing on the laptop
Emmy said…
I bought 3 or 4 bags full of school supplies from Walmart last week. Markers, crayons, notebooks, everything. I love it.
But when I was 11 and used to go to the mall with my friends we always had to go in Walgreens and look at the office supplies. Yeah I am a geek like that
Mayra said…
I adore office supplies. I love that I always find random cute stuff like clipboards and stationary.

I'm also loving this idea of chatzy!! I will be here tomororw!!

Your first vlog post is fab Lourie! Congrats! Woahhh..if I can't stand living in 90 degree weather I would definitely not survive where you are.

PS. love the flower on your hair. ;)
Christina Lee said…
Oh yeah-- it feels all new and clean...and like starting kindergarten all over again ;0
Holly Lefevre said…
I am a sucker for office supplies - you can never have to many...unfortunately that is my motto on a lot of things.

You are quite the party animal...a vlog and a chat room!
Liz Mays said…
I'm waiting for those 10 cent notebook sales. I love those!! I'll buy tons of them and use them all year long. Are they on sale yet?
Jenny said…
I'm sorry about your migraine. I hope you are all better now!
KK said…
Well, look how savvy you are!

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