What's Your Day Like?

Actually, the only thing not "typical" would be the church activity.  Typically I am running here and there and every where.

**** Ooops I forgot....head over to Drama Mama's Blog Party.  She's got lots of features today...one in particular that is close to my heart.  :) ****


Christina Lee said…
whew that made me feel exhausted--thankfully I work from home six hours a day so everything is tied to what goes on at home (outside of driving here and there and everywhere).
The Drama Mama said…
Man. I need a nap just from reading your post its!! I have loads of activities right now too. Swim lessons for Scooby, home for lunch, speech therapy, then nap (for both of us! Haha!!), then some house cleaning, then Jellybean gets home, and it's off to her swim lessons, then softball or hip hop class, AND a recital this weekend....

Wanna trade places?!?
KK said…
I love that you feed the animals first :)
Rachel said…
Just one example why moms are tired!
mormonhermitmom said…
Yup, sounds eerily familiar!
Shell said…
I'm tired every day- even though it seems like I did't do anything.
Shelley said…
I totally understand how you feel! I don't have kids but I work and by the end of the day I am wiped out!
Liz Mays said…
When it's day in, day out the same thing it feels like nothing happened but in fact A LOT did!
Mayra said…
kind of the same for me, except add a walk to the duck fountain & it's only one kiddo.

oh & some Starbucks going from here to there. =)
Christine said…
sounds eerily like my kind of day!
Nicole said…
starbucks is definetly a must for all of that running around!! :) I wake at 6am, walk lealu, get ready for work, go to work, then either come home and make dinner and lunches for us to bring to work the next day, or head to acupuncture class 2 nights a week and get home at about 10:30. :) and I always treat myself to a chai before class too!
Taylor Swim said…
Wow! You summed up my day pretty well.
Emmy said…
Yeah you don't do much during the day. Come on you need to add a few more activities ;P

Summer is almost here :)
Tracie said…
That's about what my day is like. Throw in a little work here and there, too.

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