The letter U is not an easy letter to work with.  Then it hit me...kind of hurt too.  Unicorns.  Who doesn't love these mythical majesties.  They are elusive, graceful, and have healing powers in their horns.  Did you know that?  I didn't.  I learned that from wikipedia on the internetz so it must be true.

Growing up one of my favorite movies was The Last Unicorn.  A story about a lone unicorn who learns she is the last of her kind.  She doesn't believe it to be so she sets off on an adventure to find her friends.

I tape recorded this movie.  That's right, tape recorded it.  Because we didn't have a VCR...yet.  So I LISTENED to my movie over and over.  I still remember some of its dialogue.  Another favorite tale of the unicorn is told in a poem by one of my very favorite poets as a kid, Shel Silverstein:  The Unicorn.  It totally explains it all! 

What little girl doesn't fall in love with these beautiful creatures.  Real or imagined, the unicorn is an amazing and magnificent creature.

Today's post was brought to you by the letter U
And by the number 5

Want to play along?  Go and visit Jenny Matlock.


Lola said…
Lovely U post and Happy Alphabe-Thursday!


PS Mine this time is HERE. Hope you can join me!
Anonymous said…
Unicorns are such elegant creatures.
mormonhermitmom said…
"and it hurt too"


Darn letters!
LOL, Lourie. I love your writing! Okay I'll go visit Jenny now, when I can stop laughing enough to type or at least press a button. You are just too cute.
And I did know about the healing powers in the horn, because I'm smirt. Sorry, smart. lol
Oh, what a great post! I was the little girl who was obsessed with unicorns! I had unicorn posters, unicorn school supplies, stuffed unicorns...everything!
Liz Mays said…
Can I just tell you how cute I think you are that you tape recorded that movie? So adorable!
Pondside said…
U are right - every little girl probably dreams of an enchanted pastel world with flying unicorns - I did!
Emmy said…
Okay that is pretty funny that you tape recorded it :) I love the poem by Shel Silverstein
Viki said…
What a great u post. Unicorns to me are very calming creatures.
Jo said…
I still love unicorns ... i think i will never outgrow my fascination with them.
Amanda Lee said…
My daughter loved that movie, and we watched over and over at our house!
Tracy said…
I am sure unicorns are real like the tooth fairy and santa
jeff campbell said…
Let's see...Unicorns...hmmmm...fine theme for a post...I will never forget the ones in the movie, Legend...peace and blessings
Terra said…
the idea of the unicorn is amazing. I have never heard of the movie you mentioned but think my daughters might enjoy it (at least one of them) wonder if it is for rent?
Jenny said…
Lourie, thanks for making me laugh out loud on my little journey through Alphabe-Thursday's Letter "U"!

My sister used to love that movie. She also watched it over and over again!

And I didn't know that about unicorn horns! If I find one I promise I will use the power of the horn for good and not evil!

Thanks for linking up Lourie! You really help make this meme unbelievably fun!

Unknown said…
I wonder where the legend of the unicorn comes from.....I remember that movie too....
Brenda said…
I am very late getting around to others post but I am trying to catch up with a few more. Unicorns were my oldest daughters favorite mystical thing when growing up. She is now an artist and loves all things anime. Lovely post.
Christine said…
I loved that movie!!
KK said…
I've never been overly girly, so it's not surprising that I am annoyed by unicorns! Sorry, I'm a freak :) I don't like fairies or vampires either though.

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