Did You Know....

Did you know that I am trendy?  Really, it's true...and I have proof....
Who says I'm trendy?  Sarah at No, Don't and Stop! That's who!  Thank you for calling me trendy!  I am thrilled to be that category!

Did you know, that not only am I trendy, but I am also beautiful??  It's true.
Who says I'm beautiful?  Besides my husband I mean....well... that would be The Drama Mama over at The Scoop on Poop!   If you haven't been by her place, go and check her out.  She is having a blog party this week.  
Now did you know I am supposed to tell you all ten things about myself?  What can I say...how about...

1.  I was born in Whittier, CA
2.  I have a sister
3.  And a brother
4.  They are both older than me!
5.  My niece just turned 20 scary.
6.  I met Scott Bakula and Dean Stockwell during Quantum Leap.  *swoon*
7.  I had a crush on my drama teacher.
8.  He totally knew it too.
9.  And he never embarrassed me for it.
10.  My all time favorite movie ever is The Wizard of Oz.
Did you know I had to pass these on?  Well here goes...in no particular order...and yes you all get both.  As long as you send me the cash I asked for. ;)

And one last thing...did you know that I am being featured on another blog?  I am.  Go check out Rebecca at Just Cherish Today.


Emmy said…
You have just been racking up the awards! Congrats
Vanessamae said…
How awesome! that just made my day! oh! and i was born in whitter too!
Laura Lynn said…
Hahaha - thanks for the award. That made my day!
Do you accept Paypal??
Laura lynn
Christine said…
mormonhermitmom said…
Dang aren't YOU the popular one! But you do spread the bloggy love around, so of course it comes back, as it should. Woot!
The Drama Mama said…
Psssttt...are your ears ringing? I'm talking about you...

Holly Lefevre said…
More awards! Yippeee! Quantum Leap...why don't they make shows like that anymore...oh yeah not enough sex and violence.

I {heart} The Wizard of Oz
Liz Mays said…
Yay! Congratulations!
Nicole said…
yes you are beautiful and trendy lady! :) Congratulations on your awards! I'm off to check your feature out:)
KK said…
You are so trendy ;)

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